For a long time, many American corporations have been dealing with phony 
profits with resultant large salary and bonus payments to the corporate 
big-wigs and their friends on Wall Street.  Most of them have just been 
content to engage in "Crony Capitalism" and "Creative Financing".  All this 
while the hard core (aka pseudo) Republicans have been content in blaming the 
Clintons - Bill followed by Hillary, Saddam Hussein, Iran and more recently 
the illegal immigration. 

The rigged financial game just got un-rigged.  Even now, the sub-prime 
mortgages (five to ten percent of all the mortgages in USA) are being used by 
the financial institutions to get tax payers to cough up money, so that they 
can continue with their "Crony Capitalism" under the cover of preserving the 
"Service Industry" and the "Manufacturing Sector".  Let us hope the salary caps 
and the freeze on bonus and dividends that the Democrats want to place on the 
management (of all these near-bankrupt companies) will make all realize that 
the time for the 'pigs feeding at the trough' is over.  

Now the Republicans referring to the bail-outs are not talking about the "Nanny 
Though some Republican Congressmen to their credit are asking the corporations 
(who are seeking govt. help) some tough questions.

The game the hard core (aka pseudo) Republicans now are playing are the 
near-racists jokes on Obama, while the country is sinking and being robbed by 
"patriotic Americans".  When the press wants to be serious, they talk 
about Palin.

I was heartened to see the view expressed on Fox News Channel, that Republicans 
have to come up with policy alternatives and solutions to the problems, rather 
that just be whiners of what the Democrats are doing.  The conservatives - via 
their news channels, talk-radio hosts and commentators, will soon be 
irrelevant, even with Republicans, if they are not more intellectual.

The attempt to make easy-money (aka profits) is of course not only confined to 
USA. It also involves Europe. These include the trans-national financials like 
International Banks, Hedge Funds, Credit Default Swaps, Sovereign Funds etc etc.

Unfortunately as the big corporate giants struggle and trash-around to stay 
alive, a lot of grass will be trampled upon.  Many Goans in the diaspora may 
find their jobs threatened and some forced into early retirement.  Seeing how 
things are going on in USA, likely the same is going on in India; as the 
economy and the stock market nose-dives. Likely there will be a severe damper 
on the year-end holiday revelry in the Goan Paradise.

Regards, GL

 ------------ Marshall Mendonza 

it is advisable to postpone expenses wherever  possible besides tightening the 
belt at home. Perhaps Gabe or Mervyn or anyone else with insight could give us 
a low down in layman's language on the current economic crises and where it 
could lead us and how best we should be able to cope up with it.

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