An open letter to J. P. Singh - Chief Secretary, Government of Goa


It makes me feel no end safe and secure now that the border check posts are
liberated from the rapacious greed of the Goa Police. I find my self at a
loss to find words of praise for the I. G. P Kishan Kumar who actually had
to disguise himself, use his unofficial car and sleuth on bike and foot to
film the corrupt border guards.

That corruption is rampant in the police department is a well known fact and
even a school child of average intelligence will tell you, Sir. If you do
have the time please take the time to check the records of the Panaji Police
Headquarters. You will find that some years ago a police officer on duty at
the police station booked a complaint against a traffic constable who was on
duty at the bus stand for depositing a bundle of cash at the Panaji Police
station counter. This was widely reported in the news papers. There was no
further development in the case so presumably it was swept under the counter
(literally). It is a disgrace to read in the newspapers that the hafta is
spread across the board from Ministerial level to constable level!

The point I am trying to make is that will the I. G. P. show as much
diligence in putting a stop to the hafta taking by the cops in all matters
such as foreigners riding bikes, the buses at the major bus stands, the
matka taking (how can one explain a stall having only a table and a chair
manned by a guy with receipt books and nothing else?), the laxity in
enforcing traffic rules against overcrowded buses, non issuance of tickets,
police themselves breaking traffic rules, the illegal scrap yards, ....?

May we know what the vigilance department is doing? Do these guys read the
local papers? Or watch television? Newspapers have reported that a police
inspector has a house way beyond his known sources of income. So how come no
action is taken?

The ordinary citizen needs liberation from these acts of extortion

In the aftermath of 26/11 when all brooms are sweeping clean, will the Goan
brooms come out of the closet?

Tony de Sa
Ph: +91 832 2470 148
M: +91 9975162897
E:  tonydesa at gmail dot com

Things do not change; we change.
- Henry David Thoreau

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