Dear Dr. Barad,
You make good points.

In the Indian political mindset, any party would have done the same to the
Olympic marksman — give or take some lakhs or crores.

The let down has so many levels to it. Do you not think that Tata, the
Ambani's, the Oberois and other industrialists do not have the number  of
the PM or Sonia or any number of politicians of all stripes — and cannot
influence things. When this shit hit the ceilings (pun intended) do you not
feel that the Jet Airways, Kingfisher, Spice Jet, Air India Regional, Go
Air, Deccan, etc., could not have offered an aircraft to lift the commandos
straight from Delhi to Mumbai (instead of waiting for one to come from
Chandigarh), and then by helicopters to the sites. Were they feeding the
aircraft grass in Chandigarh? What was the ONGC management doing — it has
choppers, or at least they rent them. Are there no aircraft leasing
companies that stood up. Or got the idea that this was their time. Are there
no aircraft insurers who know how to to take advantage of circumstances.
What was Ratan doing — sinking into decrepitude?! Or did they all offer
resources and were all turned down. These are ideas that arise out of the
plain logical and rational. I am  not talking about complex chess moves. If
I, a mere paintbrush can think this way, do you not think there are better
and more astute thinkers out there. People who are not only patriotic, but
nationalistic and know how to stand up and be counted. Maybe in their case
they were suffering from, Lajja bhikechi paili payari. (Shame (bashfulness)
is the fist step towards poverty (or a dearth of ideas, if you will). Loz
bhikecho poilo umbro.

They are all the same, whether it is Sonia or the Advani. They are all
vanis. They are theirs all selling us crap values. So all one can do is
bring change from within. This will determine how the parties will begin to
see themselves. Each one changes themselves, and allow time to heal us. I
know this sounds retarded, but other than this, of course dovetailing with
social and other procedural changes the only other course is assassinations
and more killings. I for one have not heard of any politician paying with
his life for screwing Goa or India. And when it has happened it is on
account of the sins of the fathers.

We worship cricketers, because we misread our spiritual texts. We have got
enamoured with line and length, and swashbuckling. Even idealism is akin to
a religion and those who espouse towards the same do not follow it in the
clear sense of allowing it to awaken them. Sadly, this is our India.

Keep it up Dr. Barad.


> Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2008 11:14:41 +0530
> From: "Dr. U. G. Barad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet] Is SMS making mess or sense?
> An Olympic shooter wins Gold (Only a game) & Government gives him 3 Crores.
> Another Shooter dies, fighting with terrorists (Saving our country and our
> live) & congress government pays his family 5 lakhs.
> What a shame and disgrace to every citizen of India that the elite NSG
> Force
> was transported into ordinary BEST buses, whereas our cricketers are
> transported into state of the art luxury buses, these Jawans lay down their
> lives to protect every Indian and these cricketers get paid even if they
> lose a match, we worship these cricketers and forget the martyrdom of these
> brave Jawans. The Jawans should be paid the salaries of the cricketers and
> the cricketers should be paid the salaries of the Jawans.
> Huh.. This is our India.....
> Please be a patriot and forward this to everyone u know.
> Hats off to India & Sonia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Best regards,
> Dr. U. G. Barad

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