9th December, 2008


It is very surprising that while Fr. Cedric Prakash s.j. repeatedly speaks 
about the atrocities against Muslims in the Gujarat carnage of 2002, he never 
has a word of sympathy for the 59 Hindus who died in the burning of the train 
in Godhra.

He has never condemned the brutalization, rape and murder of the 4 lakh 
Kashmiri Hindu Pandits by Muslim militants forcing them to flee the Kashmir 
valley and take refuge in camps in other parts of the country.

As a man of God, and a representative of the Christian community, he should be 
unbiased in his approach to these disturbing events. Unfortunately, it appears 
he has a very one-sided view, which, is definitely not becoming of a man of his 

It is hoped he has a more even handed approach, in the future.

Best Wishes,

John Fernandes

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