
Below are two clippings from the Times of India today that should make
every peace-loving person feel that sense is returning to mankind,
even if momentarily.

Cordon and search of a terrorist hideout is no joke ...and Pakistan is
actually doing it when its democratic Government is hardly in full

Mog asundi


Pakistan cracks down on LeT camp: Report
8 Dec 2008, 0429 hrs IST, AGENCIES

ISLAMABAD: Pakistani authorities on Sunday reportedly launched a
crackdown on activists of the Lashker-e-Taiba and its front
organisation Jamaat-ud-Dawah and raided some offices of the two groups
in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. According to reports, security agencies
and officials of the PoK administration conducted swoops on several
offices of the two groups in Muzaffarabad and its surrounding areas.

Local man Nisar Ali told Reuters the operation began in the afternoon
in Shawai on the outskirts of Muzaffarabad, the capital of the PoK.
"I don't know details as the entire area was sealed off, but I heard
two loud blasts in the evening after a military helicopter landed
there," Ali said. Security forces took control of LeT's central
office, situated at Shawai Nullah, and captured 20 of its members,
including several important commanders while many others succeed to
flee, the Pakistani newspaper The Nation reported.

The newspaper also said that Pakistanin soldiers had cordoned off the
entire area and no one was being allowed to go there. Ambulances also
rushed to the site of the incident but it could not be ascertained as
to how many people were killed or wounded in the operation, said The
Nation quoting its sources.

When the newspaper contacted Deputy Commissioner of Muzaffarabad to
confirm the military action, the official said that the district
administration had neither any knowledge of this nor could give any
information in this regard.

However, an official with the Jamaat-ud-Dawa charity, which is linked
to LeT, said security forces had taken over the camp.
The development came days after the Indian and American governments
urged Pakistan to crack down on the LeT, which has been linked to the
Mumbai terror attacks that killed over 180 people and injured dozens.
The only terrorist captured by Indian security agencies following the
Mumbai attacks has said he was recruited and trained by the LeT.

The US has stepped up pressure on the Pakistan government to act
against Pakistan-based elements linked to the Mumbai attacks, with
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Senator John McCain reportedly
telling Pakistani interlocutors that the administration needed to act
urgently to address India's concerns about the terrorist strike.

President Asif Ali Zardari has extended Pakistan's assistance in
probing the Mumbai incident and pledged to act against any Pakistani
individual found to be connected to the attacks.

Pak aid must be linked to its terror record: US lawmaker
8 Dec 2008, 1033 hrs IST, PTI

NEW YORK: Describing Pakistan a "failed State," an influential
American lawmaker has underlined the need for the US to tie aid to
Islamabad with

the Islamic nation ensuring that the lawless areas bordering
Afghanistan are not used by terrorists to launch attacks like in

If Pakistan is not able to do that, the United States itself should go
in, Congressman Frank Pallone told a meeting organised by the Indian
community to pay homage to the victims of Mumbai terror attacks and to
call on the Indian government to take tough measures to ensure that
such incidents are not repeated.

More than 500 people, including a large number of community leaders
belonging to all ethnic political parties, business and activist
organization, attended the meeting where a petition was circulated for
signatures urging the US government to move a resolution in the UN
Security Council seeking to declare Pakistan a terrorist state.

Paying moving homage to the victims at the meeting held in Fords in
New Jersey, about 50 kilometres from here, the Democrat from New
Jersey also called on Pakistan to take strong action against the
organisations which are advocating secession of Kashmir from India to
ensure that they do not continue their activities.

But Pallone, who is the founder of the Congressional Caucus on India,
cautioned against going to war with Pakistan, saying it would be a
"huge mistake."

The continuing terrorist attacks on India, he opined, bring out the
need for more close cooperation with the United States in fighting and
rooting out the scourge.

"I believe that going to war would be a huge mistake. I think, we have
to look at this in a broad perspective," stressed Pallone, the member
of the US House of Representatives.

Pallone said terrorism has affected the United States, India and
Western Europe. "I think the lesson that needs to be learned is that
the terrorists want more violence. They are basically opposed to
negotiations," stressed Pallone, the US Representative from New

Another influential lawmaker Senator Robert Menendez, Chairman of the
subcommittee on foreign assistance, also called for ending aid to the
countries which are unwilling to fight terrorism in their own

After several Indian community leaders made passionate speeches,
Menendez said he would bring their view as also the fact the interests
of India and the United States coincide so far fighting terrorism is
concerned to the attention of the lawmakers.

Expressing their full support to whatever steps the Indian government
takes, the community leaders called for strong measures to fight
terrorism and warning Pakistan in no uncertain term that New Delhi
would not tolerate terrorist planning attacks on India from its soil.

On their part, they pledged to continue to lobby with lawmakers to
keep a steady pressure on Pakistan to take urgent steps to fight
terrorists on its territory and linking aid to its successes in
reining in terrorists.

Stressing the need for the United States to put more pressure on
Pakistan, Pallone said it is essentially a failed state as the central
government does not control most of the territory.

It is clear that even when it outlaws an organization, it continues to
work through agitations, madrassas (religious schools) and social
activities, Pallone underlined.

He said if they (terror group) continue to exist by providing
educational opportunities and social services, the Pakistan government
has to go there and provide those services and not let these groups do
the job.

>From the Indian perspective, Pallone said the most important lesson is
to work with US and other countries to step up their security. That
means sharing intelligence about terrorist cells, increasing
cooperation among law enforcement agencies and knowhow on dealing with
such situations, he said.

Paying tribute to India for being model of cooperation and religious
tolerance, he decried the efforts of the terrorists to pose as if they
are Indian Muslims.

The Congressman from New Jersey also advised foreigners planning to
visit India against postponing their trip. They should not allow
terrorists instill fear in them, he added.

Miguel Braganza, S1 Gracinda Apts,
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