The 100th death anniversary, of Regina Fernandes (native of Raia )wife of "Pai 
Tiatrist" Joao Agostinho Fernandes,  Modsai, Behind Holy Spirit Church, Margao 
Goa is on 30th December, 2008 according to family members, who informed this 
The family will offer a Mass in her memory at the Holy Spirit Church at 0800 
hrs on 30/12/2008.
It may be recalled that late Regina was the first woman to act on stage, on 
22/11/1904 at a time when no lady would dare venture on stage due to social 
ostracisation.  Incidentally even  the Marathi stage did not have a woman on 
stage at that time.  Her  husband  who created many firsts in the Konknni 
tiatros, desired to break the traditional shackles of society and therefore he 
cajoled and convinced Ms Regina to dare all and she did.  This was indeed a 
proud moment for every Goan in Mumbai.
Later her sister too followed suit.  Otherwise it was the  trend to have men 
dorn the role of women.
It is unfortunate that till this date niether the tiatr fraternity nor the  
State Government of Goa has recognised this unique  achievement of this women 
who died at a very young age.  
Incidentally the family  of " Pai tiatrist" had instituted a prize money of 
Rs.1000/- and a momento which was indeed awarded to the upcoming female actor 
from Merces during the X tiatr competition held by Vandana Productions Borim Goa
It is therefore not late for the women of Goa to do their bit at the centenary 
When this issue was brought to the notice of prominent Konknni playwright Mr 
Wilson Mazarelo he was surprised of the facts and agreed that something ought 
to be done but felt that the Dalgado Konknni Akademi who are now organising the 
first literary and cultural convention at the Pai Tiatrist Joao Agostinho 
Fernandes nagar, near Ravindra Bhavan on 20th and 21st December, 2008 could 
consider a suitable function on 30/12/2008.

+91 98221 58584 (24 HRS)

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