--- On Wed, 12/17/08, Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Therefore, we have to look at the actual infractions that
> have been found by independent investigation(s) conducted by
> responsible bodies into these things.
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 00:06:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Carvalho <elisabeth_...@yahoo.com>

Mario only knows that jihad is taught in Pakistani schools because some Fox
presenter must have done his own "research" into the matter and
presented it as a "fair and balanced" view of the world. I bet at the
end of the broadcast there must have been a dire warning, that "we must do
something about Pakistan or else?" There is no evidence that Pakistan
wants to take over India and impose Islamic law in India. Where did this theory 
suddenly spring from? Why are we just irresponsibly creating theories out of 
thin air?

Mario responds:

Wow!  Is such gratuitous and mean-spirited, not to mention factless, codswallop 
really necessary?  Couldn't Selma at least wait to see what I had to say, as 
shown in the following post, before shoveling this heap of horse manure onto 


Selma wrote:

On the other hand, we have to be as vocal in condemning militant Islamist
groups as we are in condemning militant Hindutva groups. The one terrorist
caught alive is a petty thug from the villages of Pakistan. He used to rob
people at knife point. It is rather redundant examining profound motives by
these people. They are nothing more than hoodlums who don't subscribe to
any political ideology, nor are they seeking specific redress. They are
psychologically damaged individuals and the sooner we start treating them as 
the criminals they are, the better it is for all of us.

Mario responds:

Now that I have my hip waders on, yeah, right, let's treat suicidal
terrorists with non-negotiable demands as common criminals.  That really worked 
great for President Clinton throughout the 90's, didn't it?  I can see the 
Lashkar-i-Taiba leaders who follow Goanet, snickering into their beards as 
their plot their next deadly "criminal" attack on yet another group of innocent 

I'm all for bashing the Hindutva's when they step out of line as I have
done time and again in this forum, but when was the last time a Hindutva group 
conducted an indiscriminate suicide attack on innocent civilians with AK-47s 
and hand grenades?  Perhaps Marshall can find us a handful of web links to 
enlighten us?

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