At the 988th meeting of the Security Council held on 18th December 1961, 
France, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the Untied States submitted a draft 
resolution (S/5033) that the Soviet Union vetoed.

The Soviet veto was based on lies, misinformation and the aggressors innuendo. 
Information such as Portuguese forces which had entered Goa as reinforcement 
and had been threatening all of the people of Goa and the neighbouring 
population in India. 

Secondly GDD was an integral part of india because of its geographical 
situation. In this case one wonders why Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, or Sri 
Lanka are not states of india? 

Besides the veto says that people of Goa and Portugal had nothing in common. 
One wonders what are the parameters of human commonality? Take for example 
President Pandurang from Chimbel who has colonized USA and an ardent VHP master 
lives in a Christian based and tolerant country. What does he have in common 
with the USA?

Another lie was that Goa 'could' become a base (wrong hypothesis) for NATO 
operations because it had joined that organisation. 

47 years ago the aggressors and their cronies the soviets managed to pull the 
wool over the UN's eyes. Today Goa is part of a dobiant (tin) republic)



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