Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 04:40:29 +0530
From: "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha" <>

Ashow Row Kavi (whom I usually don't agree with) on the SAJA mailing
list... interesting point:

SOMEONE had to tell Bush he is not liked; that the rest of the world
is totally horrified of the unwaranted invasion of Iraq that has
killecd millions of innocents in :"colateral damage". 

Mario responds:

I have no idea who Ashow Row Kavi is that Fred agrees with in this instance, 
but the guy is obviously either abysmally ignorant of what has gone on in Iraq 
for the last several years, or is sympathetic to the tyrants who oppressed it 

To begin with, the rest of the world was horrified at Saddam Hussain's defiance 
of the UN, not at his removal, which is why the UN passed 17 resolutions on the 
issue of the missing WMDs.  Iraq in its new liberated form has since been 
recognized by the UN as a free and sovereign nation. 

The only ones who were horrified at Saddam's removal were those who prefer a 
brutal dictatorship by a small cabal to a free democracy for 25 million 
Muslims.  Apparently, these include Mr. Kavi and Fred.

Secondly, after deposing the Saddam regime and helping the Iraqis form a 
government, the coalition forces are in Iraq at the request of the Iraqi 
government which needs them to stabilize their nascent democracy until they can 
secure themselves, which will take another few years.

Thirdly, the liberation of Iraq was hardly unwarranted unless someone is 
clueless about the 17 UN resolutions over 12 years that Saddam did not comply 
with, including the ultimatum in UN 1441 for him to disclose what he had done 
with his WMDs of face severe consequences.

Fourthly, anyone who is not deaf, dumb or blind would know by now that the vast 
majority of innocents killed in Iraq have been killed by Al Qaeda and a small 
number of Shia and Sunni sectarian extremists.  The inevitable collateral 
damage by coalition forces is due to the terrorists hiding among and behind 
innocent civilians while attacking, not to mention those critics who can 
immediately re-classify a dead terrorist into an innocent civilian since both 
look exactly the same.

Mr. Kavi wrote:

But he has a right to do that as an Arab -- and human being -- who saw
the horrors of what a powerful nation is doing to people who just want
to be left in peace to work out their fate.

Mario responds:

To begin with, it is unethical and unprofessional for a journalist to get so  
emotionally involved in his reporting.  Secondly, the rest of the statement 
above is unadulterated codswallop since the "powerful nation" is in Iraq at the 
behest of the Iraqi government which has asked them to stay until they are 
ready to take over.

Mr. Kavi wrote:

Unlike his present employer, I would definately tell him that he's
been a bad journalist but a great activist and honour him as such. I
would be very careful of his subsequent reports whether his honesty
was getting the ahead of his objectivity  and check his facts
carefully as a chief sub.

Mario observes:

This confused mentality shows that Mr. Kavi has ethical problems of his own and 
I would be very careful of anything he writes lest it be biased and misleading.

Mr. Kavi wrote:

His being "embedded in his Arab nationalism" was a very human reaction
to something that is impossible to not be a part of. In fact it must
be honoured because that is giving us the other side to this war.

Mario observes:

Even more codswalllop.  Al Zaidi illustrated the side that would have preferred 
a continuation of the Saddam Hussain regime, which is the same side Mr. Kavi 
and Fred happen to be.  The other side is that most of Iraq has been pacified, 
Al Qaeda is on the run and Iraq is well on the way to its democratic destiny, 
thanks mostly to President Bush, delayed only by those who would deny by force 
the democracy the Iraqis have voted for.

If it hadn't been for the small number of Islamic terrorists and their 
desperate and homicidal attempt to deny the Iraqis their desire for freedom and 
democracy, with the moral support of Mr. Kavi and apparently Fred, Iraq would 
have been well on the way to peace and prosperity by now.

Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 18:47:24 -0800 (PST)
From: Mervyn Lobo <>

Whole we are having fun on Goanet,...

Mario observes:

The only ones who are having fun at this puerile act of defiance that 
embarrassed sensible Iraqis and their government are those who sympathize with 
the previous regime in Iraq and disapprove of its removal, just like the 
ungrateful Al Zaidi apparently does as well.

BTW, the miscreant had apologized for his transgression and is begging for 

So much for his committment to his cause.

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