Mario:I was the only one in this forum who opposed the call in another post
for Narendra Modi to assume national leadership in India based on his new
perception as an administrative genius.

Response: Since you have made a point that only you responded to the article
on Narendra Modi, here is my take on it.

1.Narendra Modi from all accounts is not personally corrupt. He has a
relatively clean image.He is also charismatic.
2.He is in total command of the party in Gujarat as well as the state
administration. Hence, no dissent is tolerated. At the moment this works to
his advantage. But he definitely lacks democratic qualities that Nehru had
even though he stood tall. Because of his dictatorial style, he is able to
take quick decisions. That is why he has become a darling of the
industrialists and businessmen.Remember, all over the world, capitalists
love to do business with dictators.
3. Modi is a bachelor and thus is free from the nuisance of relatives.
4. Modi despite winning Gujarat for the BJP has tarnished his image in the
country and internationally.Soon after the Gujarat genocide, in order to
salvage his image, he appointed a PR firm to give his image a boost. The PR
firm has done a relatively good job. They first tried to typecast him as a
person interested in developmental. Hence immediately after the Gujarat
carnage, "Vibrant Gujarat" conventions were held. Though they were given
wide publicity, the actual investment that flowed in was inconsequential.
The "Dandiya Raas" which is close to every gujarati's heart was also
organised and touted as a major tourist event. It is my view that this won
him many friends overseas and a loyal following.
5. There is a saying that sometimes even good flows out of evil deeds. After
the 2002 carnage, Modi cannot afford to have a repeat of that again. For
one, there is no friendly government at the centre. Secondly, he has become
something of a pariah in the USA and UK where majority of the gujaratis
live. His US visa was turned down. And he can visit the UK only in his
personal capacity, not as the Chief Minister of Gujarat. Hence, he has
ensured that there are no more full scale riots in Gujarat despite
Akshardham, Ahmedabad blasts etc.He has been forced to keep hotheads from
the sangh parivar like Dr Praveen Togadia under strict control. Hence,
ironically, Modi is facing maximum opposition from within the sangh parivar
and BJP. In fact, he is extremely unpopular within the sangh parivar,
although they have to tolerate him as they need him for his strongman image
and vote gathering ability.Today Modi is bigger than the party. Even Advani
is dependent on Modi for getting elected from Gandhinagar. Hence even Advani
cannot afford to antagonise Modi.
6.Gujarat and Maharashtra have always been frontline states so far as
investments and industrialisation is concerned and have always competed for
the best investment destinations. This continues to this day, although other
states like Karnataka (pre Deve Gowda), AP and Tamil Nadu have caught up
immensely. Gujaratis are natural entrepreneurs. They have always been in
business, much prior to even the birth of Modi.They were among the first
Indians to venture overseas to countries like UK, USA, Canada, Kenya,
Tanzania, South Africa where they mostly set up businesses. Therefore to
give credit to Modi is being facile. Gujaratis will continue doing well in
business even after Modi.
 7. It is extremely doubtful whether Modi will command the same following
outside Gujarat and whether he will be able to replicate Gujarat elsewhere.
India has too many divisions like caste, creed, language, etc. Each group
has made itself strong in its pockets of influence. Hence today, it is
impossible for any party which is not inclusivist or represents the
interests of the various segments to come to power on its own.
8.Despite industrialists and PR firms falling head over heels over Modi and
comparing him to God, there are significant sections of society who do not
accept what he has done. He has lost many elections when things were normal,
but could win landslides on emotional issues.
9. Finally, Modi is still not out of the woods. Though justice takes a long
time, like truth, it ultimately prevails. There  are numerous cases going on
besides a commission of enquiry.So far no person who has been indicted has
been able to hold the nations highest offices.



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