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Message: 6
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 11:12:21 +0530
From: "Marshall Mendonza" <>
Subject: [Goanet] Right to Convert


Dear Marshall, Dr. Barad, Santosh, Samir, Vinay ........,


I tried to refrain myself from getting tangled in this thread that was turning
rather myopic. First and foremost I am sure you all will agree with me, that
each one of you is voicing his support, for his beliefs because of your birth in
that particular sect of society. Religion did not come from haven it was
introduced by man so that we could live in peace, harmony and in morality, but
unfortunately religion has divided humanity and humanitarian values are
forgotten in the bargain. 


Comparatively, by percentage Goa is just second in India as far as Christian
population is concerned, next only to Kerala. I have said this before, and say
it again,  I am sure every one will agree with this, "conversions" by force and
fraud are wrong and should not be supported in any way, "if" it is happening.
Did we hear of any conversions by force or fraud in Kerala or Goa  ?  Both
Kerala and Goa have a very high literacy rate and minimal castes beliefs
compared to the rest of India. Education does play a very important role in


Are any of the guys on this particular thread living in MP, AP or Orissa ? I am
sure not, so it's hearsay and links that we are bickering over, the facts that
transpired there, only the people involved and affected know the bitter truth. I
will only say, let the truth speak for it's self. 


Getting back to the reasons, force and fraud condemned, lets take on allurement
or enticement. Lets take a look at the our great politicians that sit in the
Parliament and Vidhan Sabhas and pass laws and rules, before election lots of
favours in cash and kind exchange hands for support, what is it called -
allurement, after election horse trading goes on, what is that called -
allurement, where we work, we keep on changing jobs for better prospects, what
is that called - allurement or enticement. We go to other countries in search of
jobs or a better life, what is it called - allurement. Who on earth does not
want to be better off in life ? That's the universal right of a person. I am not
saying conversions on allurement are being done or not, because I do not know,
neither do you. So if allurement is used hypothetically, what is wrong, if that
is wrong all the above should be wrong and stopped, did we not all see the cash
bundles fiasco in Parliament, the whole world saw it.


As for faith healings, it's each ones beliefs, one will not know it until one
experiences it. I have seen it happen, you may not have, so keep the option
open. I have seen a lot of non Christians get healed and embrace the religion
out of their own free will, people who have not seen it will definitely say
other wise. Lets leave it to each one to decide which faith one wants to change
to after all it's each ones "right".


Why doesn't the VHP, BD, RSS match or out do the Christian missionaries is
public service ? If they do that , then certainly there wouldn't be any
problems.  Would there be ?  To preach is very easy to put it in practice is
very difficult.


There is another problem that's making the rounds with links, foreign funds.
Most of the charity institutions get foreign funds imperative of religion, the
only problem is how the organization uses those funds, I can assure Dr. Barad
that the IRA is not having a rebirth in India and thank God for that, otherwise
we would have gulped down more than we could chew. 


So lets all be sensible and show that we are educated enough to put aside our
religious biases and take a real hard look at what's happening in Goa and fight
in unity for a better Goa for Goans.


Lets all say SAYANORA to this THREAD !!!!


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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