This is what I "intuited" and avoided asking any questions about; even
before I had read this piece earlier. But now that its finally appeared on
Goanet, I would like to have a small say.

When I was studying at JJ (5 years + I year Bridge Course) I would got off
at this station and know it very well. There is simply no way a someone with
a rifle could not have got one or both of those guys. Taking into
consideration what we knoow so far, including having seeing the footage of
CCTVs -- of our finest cowering and even displaying absolute nonchalance
(Does one have to go through Laban Movement Analysis/ or
Bartenieff Fundamentals to explain this?); it simply means that something
was amiss on many levels. Perhaps a host of things right from training,
inability to shot under fire, no bullets, seeing an AK 47 being fired for
the first time, an etude in P(prostration) major, and although it may sound
heretical -- perhaps a call to stand down for whatever reason, (could this
even possible).

I for one will not be able to utter the words "amchi manshe: for a long
time. I love our guys, although I must add that I have got whacked twice by
these my beloved protectors; once pretty badly early in the morning in
Chembur while doing distance training. (More some other time). In the US
they say there are a few bad apples among various police forces-- it is now
becoming apparent that its the few good ones who protect the brutes among
them. I feel that our guys are not brutes with billas, but not motivated on
account of the thieving politicians and their often pompous superiors. I
dread to think what will happen if tazers are introduced in India, or even
nightsticks and assault batons, or plastic cuffs for that matter. Lord, lets
just forget the heavy boots raining on people's heads.

Its also time people just zipped it, and ask the relevant questions instead
of going around in circles. Ask the same question that Sebastian asked, and
others stemming from it or analogous to it. How can someone walk the streets
of Mumbai and go rat-a-tat. Is this Deepawali? Are we so freaking modern
that we have even run out of batchkis (catapults). Come on people -- those
of you who just keep hammering at pointless stuff -- just wake up. By now we
should be unable to shed any more tears -- the lachrymal glands having
shrivelled up, as that of a woman who has no one left, the system having
taken everything, including all dear and loved ones.

I know that the Central government can give one a portfolio if it so chooses
without one having to go through elections. Can someone propose my name as
Home Minister. Heck give me both portfolios, the Defense one too. Lets start
by reading the riot act to our own people first -- including the wealthy
turds. The article which Hartman posted is an eminent step in that

I only hope that in the future, Sebastian D'Souza does not get whacked in
some way, as the other Sebastian with the arrows. No one likes to be
embarassed, but I feel we Indians do not deal too well with our incompetence
being pointed out, and get seriouly bent out of shape. Can someone propose
behavioral adjustment programs for all walks of life to Doordhsrsan and make
it mandatory on other channels. Let have some hope here.
Venantius J Pinto

> Subject: [Goanet] Mumbai photographer: I wish I'd had a gun,    not a
>        camera. Armed police would not fire back
> Jerome Taylor talks to the photographer whose picture went around the world
> Saturday, 29 November 2008
> Sebastian D'Souza
> But what angered Mr D'Souza almost as much were the masses of armed
> police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back. "There
> were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them
> did anything," he said. "At one point, I ran up to them and told them
> to use their weapons. I said, 'Shoot them, they're sitting ducks!' but
> they just didn't shoot back."

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