The right to convert


Thanks Selma for missing me on Goanet. Should I construe it as love or
hate  Anyway your penchant for conjuring up bizarre examples to buttress
your points are amazing. In contradiction of  reality, the above
examples wouldn't come close to being reasonable unless Hindus  are
killing their Christian  neighbors everyday  just the way Islamists are
doing. The same lack of in-depth knowledge  on reality is showing in
your hesitance to come to grip  with the hypothesis that the  mayhem in
Orrisa may not be Hindus v/s Christians. I agree with you that  innocent
Christians were attacked in this  recent spurt in communal violence
which I do not  condone nor justify. I also believe that there can be no
place for  violence when it is  fuelled by religious hatred. The guilty
must be punished irrespective of any  religious group he belongs
including  VHP, RSS or Bajrang Dal.

I do not want to elaborate on conversions or communal violence as there
are scores of websites you can find to read on these topics. Regards



>By the way Vinay, where were you hiding when Christians were being
>tormented in Orissa? I was waiting for you and Barad to come on >Goanet
and condemn what was happening. Strangely enough I didn't >hear from
either of you then.

>Is this the India you want to create?

>Hurray. Viva la India.



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