This is in reply to message: 9, dated: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 from: Marshall
Mendonza on subject: Conversion and Secularism

Marshall writes: Dr Barad, 

I do not have the time or patience to play merry go round with you. You have
mastered the art of shoot and scoot.

My response:  What a response from our learned Marshall! 

He writes on above topic and when I question him to define what he means by
2 words i.e. Conversion and Secularism he takes about turn and poses the
same question to me like what Selma, Mario Govia does _ Atypical
personalities in Goanet!! 

Yes Marshall you proved your metal, your intelligence and your wit by
saying: I do not have the time or patience to play merry go round with you.
You have mastered the art of shoot and scoot.

Do write your response only through Goanet, don't use your cronies to send
personal mails as a patch up.

Marshall, I request you to continue with Goanet..for we have marathon race
to run in Goanet. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

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