----- Original Message ----- From: floriano
To: Ashwin Tombat ; vijayso...@gmail.com ; Herald
Sent: Friday, December 26, 2008 9:18 PM
Subject: Re: Anti-Social elements on Home Minister's Radar - Comments

Anti-Social elements on Home Minister's Radar [???]
State government told to get rid of them [???]
By: Suraj Nandrekar
Herald 26 Dec., 2008

In the wake of terror threat, the Union Minister for Home P Chidambaram has written to the State government to get rid of all the anti-social elements.

Goa is already on a high alert with six companies f paramilitary forces rushed to the State by the Centre in wake of the threat.

In a four page letter to the Chief Minister Digamber Kamat, Chidambaram said "the State capital and all major towns and cities with municipalities should get rid of the mafia gangs operating in the city/town, extortion gangs, land sharks and loan sharks."

Further the letter states, the Director General of Police, Captain of Ports, Superintendent concerned should identify these gangs or sharks and send a clear message to them that they should leave the city or town immediately.

"The police know how to carry out this task. After a few days a determined drive should be launched to apprehend leaders of the gangs under the National Security Prevention Act or similar enactments" Chidambaram said in the letter.

The letter also asked the Chief Minister and the Home Minister to monitor the situation in the State regularly.

"The State government shall with immediate effect, establish a 24x7 control room to be manned by a young and energetic officer of the rank of Dy. Superintendent/SP in each shift. The Chief Minister and the Home Minister should invariably take a meeting every morning with the Chief Secretary, Home Secretary, DGP,DG/IG Intelligence and Commissioner of Police (of the state capital) to review security situation and issue suitable guidance, " the letter said.

The letter also directs the State to immediately identify major establishments, installations and symbolic or iconic structures etc and conduct a thorough review of the security arrangements there.

A small team of commandos should be positioned at these places round the clock. The Central government is willing to offer assistance to train and equip such commandos," the Home Minister wrote.


When Shivraj Patil was shown the door after the Mumbai terror attack, I was wondering as to who would get into his shoes and still walk without falling or getting skinned or twisted in the ankles. Surprise of surprises when Chidambaram was announced, I had thought to myself "I hope this guy is able to single out an AK-47 from the Balance Sheet or the Financial Report"

The above letter to Goa's CM coming from our esteemed Union Home Minister is no surprise. Digamber Kamat and Ravi Naik must have, and still be bursting their insides, laughing. Identify the anti-social elements? - send them a warning ?. Does he mean to say that this duo do not know who is who?. Get rid of them? - Ask them to leave? To where? Kashmir? Dubai? Israel?

If at all, our esteemed 'Sonia Aunty' should have known better than to put a joker in the shoes of India's Home Minister. The previous one had tried hard to walk in those shoes and failed miserably. This one, though he is to be highly respected as the Country's Finance Minister, has shown to the world that he has crammed the books on 'Home Ministry' in the last few weeks and have come-up with a justifiable action which is altogether laughable.

Our Union Home Minister must know that Goa sports a Home Minister who has sent Victoria- Rudolf & Co. of the Protector fame -Churchill Alemao and others to jail. Our Union Home Minister must know that our CM has an extraordinary public relations with saboteurs, extortionists, arsonist et al and he even mixes in their company in broad daylight to the extent that he is proud of their patronage in or outside Goa. Our Union Home Minister must know that all our Minister's and MLA's unofficial income per month which lands into their pockets will make their official monthly paychecks look like ordinary toilet paper. Get rid of them? Ask them to leave?? Joker?

OUR Union Home Minister must know that the RADAR is a specialized piece of electronic gadget which has specific performance. For example a '3 cm' Radar is fine to identify the enemy objects in clear weather, but to use it in a rainy squall is like committing suicide. That is where the '10 cm' radar comes in. Our Union Home Minister must satisfy himself if our top champions know what a 'radar' is, in the first place, before asking them to use it to spot Goa's enemies and terrorists.

Our esteemed Union Home Minister must know that there are more anti-social elements in the government and the police force combined than all the anti-social elements in Goa put together. The goons who stoned the Police Headquarters in Panjim are Ministers from whose hands the police is subsequently eating. Our esteemed Union Home Minister must know that anti-social elements cannot be asked to leave or be gotten rid off. If that was tried, there would be no Digamber Kamat in the CM's chair and no Ravi Naik to run a Home. Less talked about the High ranking Goa's Police Officials who are on reward postings in Goa for being the 'chamchas' of the Delhi Executive class, the better.

Our Union Home Minister, at a time like this, must be a person who is oriented with defence matters or himself be from the rank and file of the retired defence personnel. Those in the corridors of power who think that a good and/or excellent Finance Minister can also be a good and/or excellent Home Minister must have their heads thoroughly examined.

There is no doubt that the intent of the Union Home Minister's letter to Goa's top Executives is laudable, but it should have accompanied with an underlying threat of their losing their jobs if they did not perform. Our 'charlies' who are occupying the comfortable 'kodels' and making merry at close range with the anti-social elements and Mafiosi lot, may it be drugs, prostitution, loan sharking business or the land sharks, are taking the general tax paying public for a jolly good ride. Let the Union Home Minister try to be serious about his love letter and add to it ' a do or die' rider and he will see that there will be no government in Goa to talk about, much less to drive away the anti-social elements and the mafia from Goa's shores where they have entrenched themselves for good with a lot of blessings from the very same top.


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