Santosh Helekar:
What we are seeing is a simple over-reaction to issues that are in some
cases wrongly portrayed through a unidimensional communal narrative.
According to reports 14 districts out of of 30 and 300 Villages, 4,400
Houses burnt, 50,000 Homeless, 59 People killed including at least 2
pastors, 10 Priests/Pastors/Nuns injured, 18,000 Men, women, children
injured, 2 women raped including a nun, 151 Churches destroyed and 13
Schools and colleges damaged. The violence targeted Christians in 310
villages, with 4,104 homes torched. More than 18,000 were injured and 50,000
displaced and homes continued to burn in many villages.
Now would you please tell us what kind of  'simple reaction' which according
to you, should have taken place to respond to the violence in Orissa.
Also kindly enlighten us as to the 'correct portrayal' as you know it. We
are waiting eagerly to hear from you.

Santosh Helekar:
The Kandhamal violent clashes between Pannas and Khands with poaching by
Maoists and Hindu extremists is a case in point.
Miguel Braganza:
The Khandhamal-Orissa issue is more about the fight for the ST tag by a SC
community that has converted to Christianity and lost reservations[for
education, jobs, etc), than about religion per se.

Response: If it were such a simple issue as merely a clash between Pannas
and Kandhas, will the two gentlemen kindly enlighten us on the following

1. why were Kandha christian tribals also attacked and their homes and
places of worship and institutions destroyed?
2. why did the violence target christians who were neither kandhas nor
pannas who were living miles away from the trouble spots like Sambalpur,
Bhubaneshwar, Behrampur, Barakhama,Baliguda, Daringibadi, Brahmanigaon and
Phulbani ?
3. why are Panna christians allowed to return to their homes if they convert
to hinduism?
4. why are kandha christian tribals not allowed to return to their homes
unless they convert to hinduism?
5. Is Praveen Togadia a Kandha or a Panna. What was he doing in
Kandhamal fanning the fires?
6. what was the role of the VHP / BD in the violence or did they have no
role at all?
7. If it is a clash between the Kandhas and Pannas why did the RSS plan a
bandh on Christmas Day.
8. Are there Kandhas and Pannas living in Mangalore? Why did the violence
spread there?
9. Are there kandhas and pannas living in the Dangs? what was the cause of
violence there on Christmas day of 1998?

I look forward to a point by point response.



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