I am very much amused to see the accusations against me. I dont wish
to respond to Mario of course. The guy who has vowed to do nothing
for Goa himself will only waste my time -- obviously he has implicitely declared
himself as a "hot air person" --- . For those of us who have better
things to do, responding to guys like Mario is a sheer waste of our
precious time.

Miguel is accusing me of communalism because I said God sucks on 24 th.
Yeah, new year is coming soon too, so I would be accused more of

It is interesting here to see how the mind of Miguel and other vieled
fundamentalists work. Even when I mentioned that Christmas was far
from my mind and I was responding to the long discussion on
conversions, the guy continues to accuse me. I have already defended 
my position, and unless he proves his point that I indeed had
some intentions to post this one day before christmas to hurt the
religious sensibilities of Christians, I wont have anything more
to say on the matter.

As to my language, I have enough "dirty worded" mails from Miguel.
If needed, I have no compuctions at all on posting those mails for public
cosumption to expose Miguel's hypocrisy.

Sandeep's point that we indeed should discuss thread bare the concept
of God and whether it has helped or harmed humankind is the right one.
But will these guys who have their own agenda to pursue take up the
challenge ?

Accusing others of being wimps doesnt transfer a perennial wimp into
a man.



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