The Aministrator,


I am one of the Citizens' Committee  member of the Noise Pollution Committee
(North Goa) instituted on the directives of the Bombay High Court at Goa,
working with various authorities to reduce the ill effects of Loud Music
Noise Pollution.

The below reproduced SMS has been sent to the authorities as well as to
other members on the committee for information as a result of having been
advised by various people from the Calangute-Baga Coastal belt  over a
period of few days that the sound decibels in various shacks have gone up a
hundred fold with authorities giving deaf ears to the complaints. As such
the text of the SMS is self explanatory.

I take this opportunity to remind you that I have gone back to the HC of
Bombay at Goa in a 'Contempt Petition' against Ponda Police Inspector Shri.
Manjunath Dessai  in particular and other authorities for disclosing the
identity of the complainant as a result the complaint's house was stoned by
irate mobs. The Petition is ongoing and in the process of being admitted.
This Comtempt Petition was filed w.r..t. the Suo Moto Writ Petition 97 of
1997 which I had filed to challenge the authorities for abetting Loud Music
Noise Pollution in the state using the weak anti-noise pollution act called
the now withdrawn "Madhya Pradesh Noise Pollution Act".  To think of it that
I am still fighting the authorities on this issue even to this date does not
go well with the governance of this state.

Floriano Lobo

[Text of the SMS] sent today December 29, 2008 at 0900 p.m.]

Mihir Vardhan, Collector (N)
S. Naik, Addl. Col. (N)
M. Corjuenkar, Dy. Col. Bardez.
Bosco George, SP (N)
Gundu Naik, DYSP Calangute.
S. Goltekar, DYSP Mapusa.
Ranjana Saudagar, mbr. NPC,
Desmond Alvares,mbr. NPC
John Lobo, Shack Owner's Assoc.

I am receiving reports from the Calangute-baga belt on consistent basis that
shacks Pyramid/San/Lucky Star and various others are chronic violators of
Loud Music norms thro playing deafeaningly loud music upto 3 a.m. with
larger than human power speaker columns mounted in respective shacks. How
come such powerful speaker systems allowed in shacks where music is supposed
to be played for listening pleasure, if at all? Notices served by Police to
all shack owners et al sometime time back have come to naught?  I have
reason to believe police are asking for complaint's names but fail to take
action. This is a serious complaint. If you guys in authority do not stop
this nonsense forthwith, I will personally look for some sympathetic
Terrorists, PAKISTANI if need be,  and have these places as well as your
offices  BOMBED for good measure to bring back peace. This communication
will find its way to the High Court shortly with a CONTEMPT PETITION, rest
assured if this sickness is not stopped forthwith on permanent basis.

floriano lobo
mbr. NPC


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