* * * * * * * * *       ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET       * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org


Hi Kevin,

As usual you and others responding to my post attack the messenger.  You did 
not write any original thoughts. So, as a suggestion, you (and others) 
could respond to: 
"Individuals who do not believe in God, or have a problem with religions, 
fundamentally do not believe in a soul and life-after-death."

If you believe in life-after-death, please enlighten us about your thoughts on 
the same.  Attacking (concepts put forth by) others may be your only form of 
defense.  Yet it does not advance your concepts and views.  The rest of your 
characterization (and those of others) is a facile little bit of quasi-ethical 

If you do not believe in a soul and life-after-death, please have the courage 
of your conviction to say so succinctly. Thus, you can save us from the 
kathakali dance.

"Pleural secularism" is the modern lingo for the age-old "gnosticism" where 
everyone has  THEIR  OWN divine soul and personal knowledge of god.  Pleural 
secularism (and other such labels) is nothing more than 'Old wine (gnosticism) 
in a new bottle'.  Do you not think, your description of "the creations of 
fertile imaginations of a primate who evolved frontal lobes" is likely a very 
good description of a gnostic?:=))

On a related issue, stated by Dr. Barad, I have not heard of discrepancies 
between the Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament writings, both written in 
the late first century AD.  There are discrepancies between the 
gnostic 'gospels', written in third and fourth century AD and the New Testament.

Regards, GL

--------------- Kevin Saldanha wrote:

Gilbert is just expressing what most religious people truly believe.  I have 
spoken to many who decry religion as a creation of manipulative hierarchies but 
have a total belief in a creator god.  What they fail to understand is that the 
myth of a creator monotheistic god evolved from earlier myths of polytheistic 
gods, which evolved from inexplicable phenomena.  All these are the creations 
of fertile imaginations of a primate who evolved frontal lobes to deal with 
increasingly sophisticated tasks for survival.... not the least of which was 
the post mortem well-being of their 'souls'.  Secular pluralism be damned to 
hell ;-)

--------------GL post:

Individuals who do not believe in God, or have a problem with religions, 
fundamentally do not believe in a soul and life-after-death.

"Gnosticism (Greek - knowledge or in sanskrit - gnana) refers to a diverse, 
syncretistic religious movement consisting of various belief systems generally 
united in the teaching that humans are divine souls trapped in a material world 
created by an imperfect god, ..."


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