* * * * * * * * *       ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET       * * * * * * * * *

  Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

   RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org


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Cuncolim Civic & Consumer Forum sets time frame for inclusion
of Municipal Councils in preparation of the Regional Plan
The Cuncolim Civic and Consumer Forum (CCCF) has taken
serious note of the non inclusion of  Municipal Councils in the
participatory process for preparation of the Regional Plan for
Goa 2021 (RPG 2021) and has demanded that steps be taken
to facilitate involvement of citizens residing in Municipal Areas.

In a representation to the Chief Town Planner Mr. Morad Ahmed
the CCCF has pointed out that in the advertisement released by
the Town & Country Planning Department dated 14 December the
participatory process is fully focused on the Village Panchayats and
other than a reference of the classification of the Municipalities into
M1(150FAR) and M2(100FAR) there is no mention whatsoever
of the involvement of the Municipal Councils in the participatory
process, especially when Town & Country Planning Department
has decided that the last date for sending in suggestions is 15th
February 2009.

The CCCF has further pointed out that the Municipal Councils have
not yet received the Regional Plan Report nor the Taluka Map or the
Settlement Plans/Outline Development Plan. Moreover there is no
representative of the Directorate of Municipal Administration (DMA)
or of the Municipal Councils in the Taluka Level Technical Team
(TLTT). This has resulted in the Municipal Councilors and residents
being unable to benefit from a presentation on the draft Regional Plan
by the officials of the Town & Country Planning Department and to
select a Town Committee to study the RPG2021 and accept
comments, objections & suggestions.

 The CCCF has set a time frame by which various activities be
undertaken by the Town & Country Planning Department so that
the Municipal Councils are included in the participatory process for
preparation of the Regional Plan for Goa 2021. The schedule
proposed by the CCCF includes dispatch of copies of the draft
RPG2021 Report, Town Settlement Plans/ODP and questionnaire
to the Cuncolim Municipal Council & other Municipal Councils
latest by 10th January 2009, selection of Town Committees by
30th January after proper guidance by TCP Department in
collaboration with the Directorate of Municipal Administration
(DMA), inclusion of representatives of Directorate of Municipal
Administration (DMA) in the Taluka Level Technical Team (TLTT),
presentation of RPG2021 to all elected Councillors & Town
Committee members in the Taluka by TCP Dept. Team to be
completed by February 15th and two months time for filing
comments, objections & suggestions be provided so that the
last date be fixed as April 15th.

The CCCF has also written to Mr. Daulat Hawaldar, Director
of Municipal Administration to extend all necessary assistance
to facilitate the involvement of Municipal Councils and citizens
residing in Municipal Areas in the participatory process for
preparation of the Regional Plan for Goa 2021.

Copies of the representation have been sent to the Governor
of Goa, Chief Minister & Minister for Town & Country Planning,
Minister for Urban Development and MLA Cuncolim Constituency,
Chief Secretary, Secretary, Urban Development, Secretary,
Town & Country Planning, Vice Chairman Task Force RPG
2021, South Goa Collector, Salcete Taluka Mamlatdar,
Chairperson & Chief Officer Cuncolim Municipal Council.

Meanwhile the CCCF at its monthly meeting has discussed the
modalities to be adopted to facilitate the involvement of the
residents within the jurisdiction of Cuncolim Municipal Council
in the participatory process for preparation of the Regional Plan
for Goa 2021. The CCCF has resolved to ensure that all the
maps are properly displayed in Cuncolim and review of missing
information in the provided maps is undertaken, Town Committee
for RPG2021 is formed and ward wise consultation is initiated.
Press Release from cuncolimcconsumerfo...@gmail.com
promoting civic and consumer rights in Goa
GOACAN Post Box  187 Margao,  Goa 403 601
GOACAN Post Box  78   Mapusa, Goa 403 507
mailto: goa...@bsnl.in

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