* * * * * * * * *       ANNUAL  GOANETTERS  MEET       * * * * * * * * *

 Goanetters in Goa and visiting meet Jan 6, 2009 at 3.30 pm at Hotel
Mandovi (prior to the Goa Sudharop event, which you're also welcome to).
Join in for a Dutch dinner -- if we can agree on a venue after the meet.

  RSVP (confirmations only) 9822122436 or 2409490 or f...@goa-india.org


From: "Marshall Mendonza" <mmendonz...@gmail.com>
Santosh Helekar:
We are not dealing with a genuine effort to inform people or discuss
in an honest manner. Instead, we are seeing a full fledged political
campaign to malign and destroy people.

Santosh appears to be suffering from some delusion and sees demons where
there are none. Even Don Quixote would have been aghast. He then indulges
kite flying. A good story to tell to the birds.

This is my last post on this thread. I hope 2009 will bring peace and
justice to the people of Orissa.

***I have been reading all the posts in Goanet as well as on
regarding Orissa tragedy, which is going on for months without any
permanent, effective solution from the Government.
Reports are coming on several newspapers, one contradicting the other,
certainly with vested interests. There will be also genuine reports. We have
to use our logic and common sense, which is becoming less common, so as to
find out the truth. Marshall Mendonça has done good work to inform the
readers about the tragic facts going on in our secular country. It is
difficult for me to assess it and publish what I think is the real version.
I keep it for myself, in order to avoid unnecessary controversies. I just
read one report about one dalit boy and lost the little trust which I had in
Orissa police.
Here it is:
"Dear Sir,
This is to draw your kind attention to a very serious incident of gross
violation of the child rights and making mockery of the legal provisions,
showing how inhuman those very people who are responsible to ensure safety
of the people of the country. We refer to an incident that not only exposes
the true colour of the Orissa Police but also goes to prove why the image of
the police is down the drums in the eyes of the common people and tribals,
more particularly at Sundergarh district. I share with you an incident in
which few policemen at Ragunathpali Police Station, Rourkela in Sundergarh
district have shown their devil face while dealing with innocent civilians.
Even they have not cared to follow rules and respect legal provisions. We
also take this opportunity to inform you that entire Sundergarh district is
in the grip of police excesses with hundreds of false cases booked on
In the instant case, merciless inhuman torture on Master Sanjay Xess was
committed to such an extent that he had no choice but to agree to have
committed a crime which he has never committed. It is informed that Master
Sanjay Xess; a minor tribal boy of twelve years of age has fallen victim to
the brutalities committed by the police. Sanjay Xess had run away from his
home with Rs. 400/-, being annoyed since he was slapped by his mother for
not reading the study books.
Later in the night, while he was sleeping outside a house in Chend colony,
Rourkela, was picked up by the police and took him to the Ragunathpali
police station. He was beaten with stick on his legs, hands, back by tying
him with rope and stick forcing him to confess that he has stolen mobile
phone and Rs. 2400 from one Nandini's house. It is stated here that Nandini
had filed a complaint that her mobile phone and Rs. 2400/- has been stolen.
Instead of verifying the facts on its merit, police preferred to torture the
boy for three consecutive days just to get a statement by coercing the
tender aged tribal boy. The devil face of the police stands exposed as they
poured petrol to the anus of the Sanjay Xess. The fear struck tribal boy had
no choice but to agree what ever police wanted from him even to confess a
crime which he has never committed. This is a very serious matter and cannot
be taken lightly.
This incident also confirms that there is no rule of law prevailing at
Orissa. Only & only impunity is being practiced by the government, while
showing their face in public. This is one more in the long list of many
false cases in which tribals have been implicated falsely at Sundergarh
district. No body should live in illusion that they are not accountable.
We also request you to please arrange to hold a workshop at Sundergarh
district where an open discussion with facts and figures will help to
improve the situation and bring in a sense of responsibility amongst the law
keepers themselves
Under the circumstances, we have no choice but to demand stern penal action
against the erring police officials involved in this heinous crime by
registering cases against them under the SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities)
Act, 1989 and rules thereof. The victimized tribal boy must be given
adequate support and reparation at the earliest.
Thanking you in anticipation of prompt action from your end, we remain,
Yours truly
For Tribal Welfare Society
(Pravin Patel)
Copy to : The Chief Secretary, Office of the CMO, Govt. of Orissa,
Bhubaneshwar for information and necessary action in the matter.

Re: Minor tribal boy tortured to forcibly confess a crime which he did not

Posted by: "FrJuzeVas SVD Indore" mangaloreancathol...@gmail.com   juzevas
Thu Jan 1, 2009 10:51 am (PST)
Hi Mr. Praveen Patel,

Sensible citizens like you show how we can live our responsibility to
be of use to the society we live in congratulation. though you have
given us this sad news of the young tribal boy being tortured for
actions that were not his own and this has given him nighmares for
life. how a smal child like him will have to live all through his
life with this trauma. sometimes the police make such a horrible
mistake and they get away with it. as you have rightly mentioned the
childline NGO group may take up the case of this innocent boy and may
be able to help him. hope he can get over the trauma and live life
which is nice for future
hoping that God will assist the boy
praying for him and your work
keep up
yours in the divine word,
fr.Juze vaz svd

This is enough for our 'scientific' judgment about facts and news in our
country. It may shed light on the news: "Are Christians behind the murder of
the controversial Swamiji?" I read even one FORGED report of a "meeting of
the church leaders to kill the Swamiji"... Such is the state of our
country...As somebody wrote, "India is shining, while Orissa is burning"...
This article should not inflame people, but neutralize and pacify the militant
self-appointed leaders of our poor country,...where there are people, still
today in the 21st century, going to feed themselves on dustbins...

Let us enter with hope and trust in God into the New Year!



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