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Marshal Mendonza wrote on  Fri Jan 9 00:39:37 PST 2009 
In fact Jews and Muslims share many common similarities.
Vinay : This is untrue. The fact is,  on closer examinations  it  is Hindus who 
  appears  to be compatible to a  considerable degree to  Jews. 
Both Hindus  and Jews are  ancient civilizations, with a long  and  illustrious 
history  which dates  back thousands of years.  Both emerged into an era of 
post-colonial sovereignty from British rule which left lasting imprints on the 
two nascent independent societies. 
Both religions maintained  a strong commitment to values of tolerance, 
pluralism and liberty in domestic political environments. Both had to undergo 
brutal homicide,  Jews in the hand of  Nazi Hitler  and  Hindus by barbaric 
Muslim invaders followed by Portuguese and British colonialists.
Both these religions  maintained  glorious  Diaspora  mostly  in the United 
States by  maintaining strong  bond  with their respective countries of origin 
simultaneously   giving valuable contribution to the host countries.
Marshall wrote : Both wear skull caps. Both grow beards. Both wear distinctive 
clothes. The birth of both religions took place in the same region. Both abhor 
pork and pork products. Both only eat kosher / halal meat. Both take names from 
the Old Testament eg: Jacob and Yacub, Abraham and Ibrahim, Joseph and Yusuf.
Vinay : These can be few similarities between Muslims and Jews but on the 
contrast  Pakistani and Palestenian  Muslims  have one thing in common,  They 
cannot put their own house in order. They cannot argue without violence.  They 
understand  the only  language of Jehadi terrorism , suicide bombings and AK47s.
Another commonality between India and Israel is that both countries  have 
hostile terror sponsoring  neighbors.


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