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The Centre for Panchayati Raj (CPR) and Grameen  Mahila Manch (GMM) of Peaceful 
Society in association with Goa Sudharop will be organising a 2 days 
residential workshop for women on the topic "Empowered Women For Effective 
Local Self Governance" from 31St January to 1st February 2009 at the Peaceful 
Society campus at Madkai,Ponda.

The workshop will consist of activities to enhance knowledge and skills of the 
women participants for an effective role in local self-governance. Experienced 
resource persons will conduct the workshop.

The Centre for Panchayati Raj - Peaceful Society will undertake several such 
capacity building programs at the village level in the year 2009 to encourage 
and promote effective, transparent and accountable local self-governance in Goa.

Those women desiring to participate in the above workshop may kindly contact on 
phone 2903352, 2292236 or 9890056616 (during working hours) for further 
information and registration. Registration for participants is limited.

Soter D'Souza


Centre For Panchayati Raj

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