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Roland Francis wrote: 
> Mervyn,
> Please define "Africans", from your point of view.

A few years ago I was driving in rural Ontario when I happened upon,
"The Scottish Highland Games."  Since I wanted to take part in one of the 
I asked the organizers how one qualified to be a competitor. The answer I got 
"All you have to do is claim that you are of Scottish."

In my view, anyone who claims he is African, is African. 

> Would Goans born in Africa be Africans?
> Would Goans no longer in Africa but who once had or still have a
> passport from an African country be called African?
> Would a Goan whose grandfather emigrated to Africa and whose
> subsequent generations were born there be an African.

As per my view, all are Africans.

> Or according to you would somebody have to have curly hair and ebony
> skin to be called an African. In that respect would a Jamaican with
> those charcteristics be also called African.

Whether you realize it or not, you are trying to put words in my mouth.
Fortunately, the African view of who is African is more inclusive 
than most. For example, the entire S. African and Zimbabwe cricket 
team players are African.

> And while you are at it, please tell me the correct Konkani word for
> an African other than "Khapri". Don't fool me with kaalo (which means
> dark or black) since half of Goans who have nothing to do with Africa
> are kaale or dark-skinned. I myself may qualify.

The record shows that you, unsolicited and unprovoked, introduced us
to your bias against Africans. Maybe you don't remember what you wrote?
Here is a snippet where you repeatedly use the word "Khapri'" in a  
derogatory manner:

"Even the Khapris look after their wildlife better.
And we think we are way better than Khapris.
Apologies for letting my racial biases surface.
India is getting nearer to Khapri-land."

> Please do not sidetrack with some Swahili, Ki-swahili or non-Konkani
> word for Khapri. I would like to hear of a genuine Konkani, popularly
> used alternative word for what you consider the derogatory "khapri".
> You have stepped into a minefirld my friend. Now show me your savvy.


Once again, you took it upon yourself to introduce to us your bias towards 
an entire sector of society. No one solicited your opinion. No one provoked
you into issuing such a racist statement. All you did was display your 
bias for the world to see. Talk about being savvy!
"I did denounce it. I de -  I denounced it. I denounced interracial dating. I 
denounced anti-catholic bigacy."
- George Bush 43 -

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