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Dear all,
To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die.
--Thomans Campbell

My friend the pianist Madhav Chari's and his brother Raghav's maternal
grandmother passed away yesterday in Chennai. Their mother misses her, but
is beginning to feel strong. A sense of emptiness yet the realization
that Grandma (Patti) lived a full life, and their collective inheritance is
a lineage of creativity and sharing.

Asato ma sat gamaya
Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya
Mrityour ma amrutam gamaya
Om Shanti, shanti
(Om Asatoma, from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)

>From the unreal lead us to the real,
>From darkness lead us to light,
>From death To Life Everlasting,
Aum, (the universal sound of God--a welcoming) shanti, shanti

Do take a few moments to contemplate death as we all get older and lose
someone close to us. Perhaps someone who has observed our progress, our
interests, our rebelliousness, or has just been there for us.

Madhav's email is Madhav Chari <madh...@hotmail.com>.

venantius j pinto

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