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Moti Dongor rehab scam 

Michael D’Costa, Margao

The news article in Herald (19 Jan), regarding rehabilitation of the illegal 
occupants of Moti Dongor in Margao, is just another gift of the CM, neither to 
the people of Margao nor to the people of Goa, but to his fatted vote-bank 
nesting cosily at the cost of the Goan people. 
The once beautiful Monte Hill, now known as Moti Dongor, and disdainfully and 
rightfully looked upon as the hideout of criminals, belongs to the Comunidade 
and not to the Government of Goa. Has the Government Goa acquired this land 
from the people of Goa to give it to non-Goans? If so, the government is 
If the Chief Minister and his predecessors have not acquired the land from the 
comunidade but usurped it illegally to promote their vote bank, how can they 
say that their vote-bank chamchas are owners of the land? They have to be 
evicted because they are illegal occupants. Hence there is no question of 
rehabilitating them anywhere in Goa, at the expense of the people of Goa. They 
are all people who have homes and lands in their respective states. Their 
dwellings on Moti Dongor have to be demolished just as other illegal dwellings 
are demolished by the MMC. 
If the CM wants to help poor Goans, let him give the land occupied by the 
migrants of Moti Dongor to the mundkars of Goa. Then we can say that the land 
is really given to Goans.
Is the CM waiting for a terrorist attack to wake him up to the raw truth? Why 
can’t the CM convert his own building into a mega structure and rehabilitate 
them above his apartment, so that he can be a constant support to their 
nefarious activities and vice versa? 
The land of Moti Dongor ought to be conserved and used as a place for hiking, 
eco-tourism and relaxation for the general public, and should be devoid of any 
commercial activity.
Let me warn Mr Kamat that if ever the draft city plan materialises, the 
government of Goa must acquire the land from the comunidade after giving due 
compensation. The components of the comunidade are the rightful owners of the 
land, not the migrants. Like he has done to the people of Bainguinim, the CM 
should not force more Goans to agitate on the streets. 

(Letter to the Editor in Herald)


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… for rehab of 1600 slums including Moti Dongor 


The City Development Plan has accepted the fact that Margao faces a threat from 
mushrooming slums and squatters, but has proposed rehabilitation of the 1600 
existing slums, including Moti Dongor.
The Plan accepts the bare fact that slums today occupy nearly six per cent of 
Margao’s total 13,000 households.
Describing Moti Dongor as the city’s largest slum, with around 500 households, 
the CDP has called for rehabilitating the slums free of cost under various 
government schemes.
Incidentally, while the Moti Dongor area is an eyesore to the city, the CDP 
says the city is blessed with beautiful hills which can be developed for 
tourism and hiking.
The CDP do agree with the fears of Madgavkars that slums and squatters do pose 
a threat to the city along with congested roads, inadequate capacity building 
and the absence of planning data concerning the city.
Incidentally, the CDP dealt at length the weakness of the city, saying the city 
has been affected by the absence of planning data, lack of tourism avenues, 
traffic congestion and the lack of coordination amongst government agencies.
In fact, the plan has mooted administrative reforms, wherein the local Margao 
civic body is entrusted the responsibility to execute most of the civic 
functions in a planned manner.

Moti Dongor: Menace or myth?


An eyesore. A migrant hub. A hideout for  anti-socials. The political 
stronghold of Chief Minister Digambar Kamat, et al. The very mention of Moti 
Dongor instantly brings to the fore these facets before the average Madgavkar 
in particular, and Goans in general.
>From just five huts in the early ’70s to a bustling slum –  342 shanties 
>dotting this once-picturesque hillock, Moti Dongor has indeed come a long way. 
>Today, the shanties are inhabited by 99.9 per cent migrants – mostly hailing 
>from the districts of Bijapur, Dharwad and other parts of Karnataka. Two Goan 
>families and as many families from distant Kerala are the odd ones out in the 
It is believed that the first settlers on this barren Comunidade land came in 
1972, when work on the microwave tower and the nearby staff quarters was 
underway. Ask Tara Rajput about the situation three decades ago, and he can 
still count on his fingers the first five settlers – Tara Rajput, Gangaram, 
Abbas, Shankar Naik and M Yelappa. “We had basically come to Goa in search of 
manual labour. The hillock was barren. I still remember the five families 
taking shelter under a makeshift shed put up for construction work,” he recalls.
>From just five huts, the figure steadily rose to 25, from 25 to 95 and then to 
>180 huts, as the demand for manual labour at construction sites opened the 
>doors for the influx of migrants. And this hillock turned out to be a fertile 
>ground for local politicians in search of vote banks – the authorities 
>literally turned a blind eye to the rampant encroachments on Comunidade land 
>over the years – before the number of hutments reached the present figure of  
>a staggering 342 huts.
But it’s not quite the exclusively Muslim stronghold it’s made out to be. The 
hillock has both Hindu and Muslims migrants, though it is believed the 
demographic balance tilts slightly in favour of the Muslims. Two temples 
belonging to two different Hindu committees and a Masjid adorn Moti Dongor. In 
fact, members of both the communities have been staying harmoniously for the 
last three decades and the recent seizure of a consignment of swords seems to 
have come as a big surprise for the migrant populace. 
Aware that Moti Dongor is now looked upon suspiciously by people across Goa’s 
commercial capital, residents seek to distance themselves from the miscreants. 
“The people here in general never did any harm to the locals. Because of one 
house, Moti Dongor has come under focus for the wrong reasons,” said a resident 
Leaders heading the local committees feel the police should crack a whip 
against the law-breakers and ensure peace in the area.

Kamat’s personal stronghold
Politically speaking, Moti Dongor has always been a stronghold of Chief 
Minister, Digambar Kamat. Such has been his stranglehold, that the residents of 
Moti Dongor have always rallied behind him – regardless of whether he’s 
contested under the saffron banner or showing the Congress’ hand.
Take note: supporters of the Chief Minister – when Kamat was in the BJP – had 
stoned Congress candidate Girish Chodankar’s car and virtually stopped him from 
entering the area during the 2002 Assembly polls.
The BJP painfully realised the bitter truth of Kamat’s influence over the 
migrants during the 2005 by-polls, after he quit the saffron brigade to embrace 
the Congress. It is said that in one particular booth Kamat polled 400-odd 
votes, while the BJP had to be content with less than 50 votes.
Explaining the phenomenon, Kamat’s staunch supporter Tara Rajput says: “We back 
him no matter which party he belongs to. He has helped us in good and bad 
times, when other leaders turned their backs on us.”
They want decent housing
Thanks to the Chief Minister, Moti Dongor enjoys most civic amenities. It has 
Sulabh toilets for men and women, storm water drains and roads. Households have 
power and water connections.
But the ultimate dream of the migrants – to have a concrete roof over their 
heads – still remains distant. The government and the Chief Minister is 
treading a cautious path on this sensitive matter, lest he incurs the wrath of 
Madgavkars and Goans.
For good reason; Kamat knows how he was forced to shelve his plan to acquire an 
additional 20,000 square metres of land for the rehabilitation of the migrants, 
owing to strong protests and adverse public opinion. He is accused of pampering 
Moti Dongor at the cost of the city.
The proposed City Development Plan, under preparation, is considering a 
proposal to turn the eyesore into a bustling housing colony.
A source of manpower
Many look upon Moti Dongor as a migrant hub and a den of anti-socials. But from 
these shanties comes the manual labour for the city – skilled as well as 
unskilled. A significant number of Margao’s carpenters, tile fitters, plumbers, 
painters, fitters, masons and construction labourers come from Moti Dongor. 
Besides, the headload porters who do brisk business in the wholesale and fish 
markets, mostly hail from the hillock.

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