  Tiatr Akademiche ugtavnnechi ekdom bori khobor tuvem dilea. Punn"he
(Tomazinho Cardozo) also stated that the Dalgado Konknni Academy received *50
lacs* for the promotion of Konkani in Roman script" oxem jem boroilam tantum
matxe chuklam.... Dalgado Konknni Akademik *50 lakh nhoi*, *15 lakh
rupia*dileat oxem Tomazinho Cardozan mhonnlem, (punn hantuntle Dalgado
Akademichea hatant aiz meren fokot *5 lakh rupia* poddleat.)

Dev Borem korum,
Jose Salvador Fernandes
Sekretar, Dalgado Konknni Akademi
Ponnji, Gõy

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 9:16 PM, godfrey gonsalves <
gonsalvesgodfre...@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

> The Tiatr Academy of Goa was inaugurated today  16th February, 2009 at the
> hands of " Master Vaz" Jose Lourenco Vaz, a native of Aldona settled in
> Utorda  in the presence of the  Chief Minister of Goa Shri Digambar V Kamat
> , at the 1150 seater A/C – Joao Agostinho Fernandes "Pai Tiatrist"
> auditorium at Margao at exactly  1845 hrs (IST) amidst a thunderous applause
> from a hall packed audience who came on time to grace the ocassion on this
> "red letter day"thus fulfilling the long cherished dream of tiatrists.
> Speaking on the ocassion the octogenarian "Master Vaz" was overwehlemed at
> the opening of the Tiatr Academy of Goa, as  he completes 75 years
> performance on stage today.    Incidentally his entire family past and
> present (six sons and 3 daughters )have had their innings on tiatr stage.
> He said he earned the sobriquet of Master Vaz because while his father was
> addressed as Mr Vaz he was called Master Vaz but that name remained immortal
> and he is not known by his real name.
> He was full praise for the Chief Minister Digambar Kamat who not only
> promised but also fullfilled his promise of a  Tiatr Academy.  In a
> repentent tone he however made a fervent appeal to do justice to Konkani
> (apparently in Roman script ) for " this is our mother and we cant forget
> her this was plea earned a thunderous applause from the audience.  He
> invoked the blessings of St Cecilia and St Francis Xavier the Patron Saints
> revered by tiatrists for the success of the tiatr.
> Earlier Director of Art & Culture Mr Prasad Lolayekar  impressed upon the
> audience that the Government was keen to promote tiatr.  He mentioned that
> tiatr audience membership far excelled that of nataks in Maharashtra,
> Gujarat and even Bengal vis a vis ratio of population in those States.  He
> further added that while the initial sum was a mere 15 lacs the Chief
> Minister who also holds the portfolio of Art & Culture has made a budgetary
> provision of an one time grant of  one crore and fifty lacs for the
> infrastructure et al.  He also stated that Goa was the first state in the
> country to have a Cultural Policy unlike other states . This policy  was
> formulated under the guidance of Dr Nandkumar Kamat.  The Tiatr Academy is
> the result of this policy.
> " Tiatr " as a performing art -- it  has become a symbol of Goan culture
> and despite odds censorship by the erstwhile Portuguese regime or it being
> relegated to the stature of entertainment for the lowly placed section of
> the society or  financial constraints it has survived without Government
> support since the beginning of the 20th century.  It centers around a story
> with around in  parts of the order of six to seven and intermingled with
> "cants" and cantaram . Each tiatr costs around Rs.15,000 to 20,000 for high
> profile tiatrists numbering 10. There are 2000 tiatrs staged per annum and
> the audience member ship is a whopping seven lacs nearly two thirds of
> the population of Goa (14 lacs at 2001 census) including 4 lacs of migrants
> .
> Politicians in power or those aspiring to be one  know too well the emotive
> appeal of the  "  tiatr"  as    it acts as a barometer of their social
> standing or their performance as  this form of performing arts vibes
> strongly with the masses.  However all promised but none fulfilled . It
> provides not only entertainment invoking guffaws of laughter but it  depicts
> social evils, provides moral education to society and above all reflects the
> pulse of the society from time to time. With almost  500 feasts being
> celebrated in Goa on any given day  all 365/366 days of the year, no feast
> is complete without  a "tiatr"  -- a must see .  There are two books written
> thus far by Fausto Da Costa and another by Wilmix Wilson Mazarello, another
> one remembering the deceased is on the way by " Kokoy " John Gomes.
> Tiatrist or Konkani playwrights can broadly  be classified as those
> deceased, those performing until Liberation of Goa, those post
>  Liberation and those since the beginning of the 21st century.
> Constancio Lucasinho Caridade Ribeiro alias Lucasinho Ribeiro hailing from
> Assagao in Bardez, Goa   himself  a composer, musician  and singer   Mr.
> Joao Agostinho Fernandes    from Modsai Margao an employee in a
> pharmaceutical firm,   Mr. Agostinho Mascarehnas from Mungul,  Margao and a
> fourth whose name is unknown met at the residence of Ribeiro,  at Round
> Bungalow  Picket Road  Bombay now Mumbai and formed a  dramatic troupe of
> five  named as "Goa Portuguese Dramatic Company".     He penned down his
> first Konkani tiatro a translation of an Italian Opera   by Gonsalez
> Brothers and named it "Italian Bhurgo"  Nearly 117 years ago on  Easter
> Sunday 17th April  1892 they staged their  first play at the New Alfred
> Theatre (Bombay) at a time when middle and upper class people witnessed
> operas in English or Portuguese by the group "Instituto Luso Indiano"in
> Gaitey Theatre (Capitol Cinema) and Cawsji Hallant Dhobi talao
>  and it was well received by the audience and earned rave reviews.  Later
> on  1st January, 1894 the first konkani tiatr was staged by  Mr. Lucasinho
> Ribeiro in    Assagao Goa.
> Joao Agostinho Fernandes  also believed in good direction, good music,
> well  rehearsed plays  characterization of roles . He was the first Goan to
> publish his   works in book form.  At a time when women would dare not
> venture on Konkani stage owing to social stigma even in the Marathi  "nataks
> ",  Mr Fernandes set the trend of introducing woman on stage. His  wife Ms.
> Regina Fernandes thus became the first woman to act on stage on 22/11/1904,
> in his play Bhatakar "Bhattkara de Panzare –I earning her the unique
> distinction  of being a trend setter as at that time even the Marathi stage
> did not have a single woman who performed on stage owing to the social
> stigma
> It is only owing to these souls who have left for their heavenly abode  ---
> trio Constancio Lucasinho Caridade Ribeiro alias Lucasinho Ribeiro,   Joao
> Agostinho Fernandes – " Pai Tiatrist "  his wife Ms. Regina Fernandes.
> Rich tributes were paid to the legendary trio by the President  of the
> Tiatr Academy Mr Tomazinho Cardozo (appointed since 6.1.2009).  He lavished
> special praise for the role of Regina Fernandes (apparently to make amends
> for her photograph being left out on the advertisements when she rightly
> deserved praise for her singular role in 1904) .
> Objectives of the Tiatr academy is to encourage and impart training to
> "tiatr" as a performing art he said  with due attention being paid not only
> to script writing in Roman script  its literary content song dance music but
> covering the entire gamut of acting direction stage setting light effect
> acoustics production and its promotion as well world over.
> It is also intended to compile collate and gather manuscript literary works
> of tiatrist and establish a museum for such purposes. It would also
> encourage dramatic troupes cultural exchanges hold tiatr festivals and
> encourage child artistes and women by holding workshops seminars and revive
> the tiatr at the village level. Me made a grim observation of the fact that
> there was a shortfall of musicians knowing wind blowing instruments and
> hence the Academy would endeveaour to train such persons.
> To set aside the oft repeated fears among some members of the Tiatr
> fraternity mr Tomazinho pleaded for time of atleast a year before one sits
> in judgement of the fate of the Academy.  To impress upon this point he made
> special mention that the Executive Council  and General Council consisted of
> members of all three dominant religious communities Hindu, Moslem and
> Christian, there were others musicians technicians, reviewers of tiatr etc
> hence every segment that is responsible for the tiatr is included to give it
> a good balance. He also made a mention that all Academies set up in Goa had
> even a small financial beginning some with even seven lacs, therefore not
> much needs to be read into the amount of 15 lacs.  He also stated that the
> Dalgado Konknni Academy received 50 lacs for the promotion of Konkani in
> Roman script.
> Others that will steer the Academy to fruition are Roseferns Vice
> President,  Sharon Mazarelo, Prince Jacob Premanand Sangodkar, Mario
> Pereira, Joe Rose, Jessie Dias, Mike Mehta (Adv) Osvy Viegas Fr. Nevel
> Gracias, Anil Kumar Mario Menezes Marcelino Noronha Sheikh Amir Joasinho D
> Souza Daniel F De Souza, Presidents of -- non stop Tiatristanchi Suanstha,
> Dalgado Konkani Academy, Britona Dramatic Academy, Alfi Art Production, Kala
> Niketan  besides Prasad Lolayekar Director of Art & Culture and Victor D Sa
> as Member Secretary.
> On the ocassion 15 artisites male /female  who have crossed the age of 60
> and 70 years hailing from Mumbai and Goa were awarded on the inaugural day
> for their contribution to tiatr. Ophelia Cabral D Souza,   Antonette
> Mendes, Teeta  Pretto , Anita Pereira Fernandes, Lidvinda A Clara Dias
> , Lucas Fernandes, Alegro Roque T Antao - Star of Arrossim, Antonio Moraes,
> Pedro Caetano D Silva (C D Silva), Thomas Domingo, Rosario Antao, Remmie
> Colaco, ( Padmashree )  Manuel Santano Aguiar-M Boyer, John Claro Fernandes,
> Jose Lourenco Vaz (Master Vaz) Majorda and Philomena  Braz Crasto.
> The Chief Minister is his speech spoke of his desire to examine the demand
> for giving industry status to tiatr.  He regaled the audience when he sang
> unaccompanied by any musical instrument a song sung by his class mate in
> school Joao Baptista . He said he was surprised at the talent of Joao who
> would compose any song almost in a jiffy.  He also stated that he fulfilled
> the desire of the tiatrist by naming the hall after Pai Tiatrist.
> This was followed by  a cultural program by Roseferns Peter Rosahn Bab
> Mython Victor Mario Menezes Rosy Alvares Lawry Travasso, Comedian Joano
> Comedian Edilson Baby Roma Prince Jacob Supremo Hubert Comedians Agostinho
> Selvy Jesus and Hortencio Pereira Anil Kumar Fatima Rocky Dias Baby Ziyana
> Xavier Gomes Marcus Vaz Felcy C D Silva Shaikh Amir Marcelina de Betim and
> Ben Evangelisto   with music provided by Maestr
> Sidelights of the event:
> a) the function started at  1750 hrs  in the absence of CM  because  a
> Central Minister Mr Oscar Fernandes had come to attend the function of
> expansion of the ESIS hospital at Margao earlier.
> b) the CM attended the function at 1823, other surprise guests were Home
> Minister Mr Ravi Naik and ex Union Minister Shri Eduardo Faleiro
> c) notable absentees were Mike Mehta (Adv ) and Mr Osvy Viegas and some
> others when their names were called out to introduce the Tiatr Academy
> Committee members
> d) Ms Ophelia, Mr M Boyer and Mr Remi Colaco were unable to attend to
> receive the awards due to ill health.
> e) Ms Philomena Braz Crasto was brought on wheel chair to receive the award
> f) the family of " Pai tiatrist " was found seated in the audience instead
> of given a front row honour befitting the ocassion
> g) Ms Chari and Mr Daniel F  De Souza compered the event.
> h) CM's extempore  song was the best part of the evening.
> i) momentos shawl and flower bouquet were offerred to the 15 tiatrist in
> the age group of 60's 70's by the CM Mr Digamber Kamat Mr Ravi Naik and Mr
> Eduardo Faleiro.
> j) at interval there were hushed comments whether CM would grant
> recognition to Roman script Konkani others felt that atleast an injustice to
> tiatrist had been rectified seventeen years later.
> k) several MLAs were missing considering this day to be a red letter day
> for tiatrist and Goans at large.
> from the Pai tiatrist Hall
> BORDA, MARGAO, 403 602, GOA. (INDIA)
> +91 98221 58584 (24 HRS)
> gonsalvesgodfre...@yahoo.co.in
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> http://in.movies.yahoo.com/

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