Gilbert Lawrence wrtoe:
>  It is widely believed that, Derivatives and other risky instruments that 
>banks and other financial entities 
> (like brokerage and insurance companies) developed and widely used, to 
> leverage themselves, that caused 
> the financial failures. Those practices exposed the financial entities to far 
> greater risk than giving sub-prime loans. 

The cause of the current financial crises is quite simple:
Financial regulations that were in place were either removed or not adhered to.

As for who is to blame, I will leave that to those who did not heed the 
warnings and who have now lost their 
savings and their retirement plans. People will be writing books and articles 
on who is to blame, for the next 
100 years. Luckily, I will not be in that group.

My view of the crises is the exact opposite. Lots of financial opportunities 
have opened. The capitalist system
requires that the less efficient get slaughtered by the efficient. The 
capitalist system also requires the movement 
of capital from sectors that are not performing to sectors that are. There is a 
lot of money to be made by those
who understand these basics.

Lastly, the fact that really scares a lot of people in N. America is that 
companies which are traded on the stock
exchanges are priced/valued on their quarterly performance. In order to meet 
the profit expectations of the analysts,
companies are cutting costs by laying of their workers. The responsible 
employer would bear the cost of keeping
valuable employees thru a down turn. The company that has to meet a quarterly 
profit, is forced to cut its work force 
in order to meet the profits promised. A lot of people are going to lose their 
jobs. In the USA alone, about 600,000 
people will lose their jobs this month. Those without savings, will lose their 
houses a few months after they have lost
their jobs.

Incredibly, the US govt is trying to convince its citizens that the way to get 
out of this crises is by spending money. 
This is insanity. 
In its purest form.


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