Hello Samir:

re: "Also, I find it really funny that the whole of urban India judges success 
of its movies by whether they won an American award or not."

You raise a valid point. 

But what is more intriguing is why a film shot in a Mumbai slum has caught the 
imagination of the western world - even with scenes of a young boy falling in 
and running through neck-high human excrement.

A similar film could have been made using a slum in the Philippines, China, 
Brazil, Africa or elsewhere in the world. Would it have had the same effect? I 
suspect not.

Question is then why an Indian slum called Dharavi?


> Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 12:50:50 -0800
> From: samir_kele...@yahoo.com
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> Subject: [Goanet] "Slumdog millionaire" --- hollow message of social justice
> At last, a different viewpoint. Actually, I havent seen the movie, nor
> do I wish to spend Rs. 100/- on seeing it, even though it may have
> won Oscars. I dont quite like these KBC kind of shows, which make you a 
> millionaire on answering a few questions. Also, I find it really funny
> that the whole of urban India judges success of its movies by whether
> they won an American award or not. Indians seriously have a self-esteem
> problem!
> samir

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