Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 10:43:14 -0800 (PST)
From: marlon menezes <>

Chris, there is nothing wrong in admitting fault (I have done it too), and I 
even saluted you for having the courage to do so. The issue here was not your 
apology, but rather Mario's continued odious attacks on Tariq.

Mario responds:

The issue should really be why Marlon feels the need to falsify and 
misrepresent what happened in this situation while he does not have the 
cajo..., er, gumption to speak up for his allegedly libertarian philosophy when 
it comes under attack by his cronies. 

In his post 
Marlon misrepresented what I had said on a different forum, which he has done 
many times in the past, proving that one cannot teach an old dog like Marlon 
anything new:-))

In my response I 
showed where Marlon was full of poppycock.

Now he comes back with more poppycock that I attacked Tariq, hoping no one will 

The fact is that Marlon, Tariq and Pope JP-II opposed the liberation of 25 
million innocent Muslims in Iraq from its previous Muslim tyrants.

If my pointing out that their opposition to the liberation was against the 
interests of millions of innocent Muslims and gave psychological aid and 
immoral comfort to the small cabal of Muslim tyrants is an odious attack on 
them, then they can look forward to more such odious attacks from me until they 
plant me 6 ft. underground, or fry me in an incinerator as the case may be:-))

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