Church Reconciles With Evolution
By Fr. Desmond de Sousa, CSsR, SAR NEWS

PANAJI, Goa (SAR NEWS) -- This year the world celebrates the
bicentennial of the birth of Charles Darwin in February (already gone
by) and the 150th anniversary of his magnum opus On the Origin of the
Species in November. However, faith-based opposition to the theory of
evolution continues to find strong resonance in the world today.

But the Vatican, probably Darwin's bitterest foe, has admitted that
Charles Darwin was on the right track when he claimed that Man
descended from apes. It is seen as a landmark in relations between
faith and science. A leading Vatican official declared that Darwin's
theory of Evolution was compatible with Christian faith. In fact, what
we mean by evolution is the world as created by God, said Archbishop
Gianfranco Ravasi, head of the Pontifical Council for Culture.

Darwin's theories on Evolution have never been formally condemned by
the Roman Catholic Church, Monsignor Ravasi insisted. His
rehabilitation had begun as long ago as 1950, when Pius XII described
Evolution as a valid scientific approach to the development of humans.
In 1996, John Paul II said it was more than a hypothesis.

There are three fundamental theories Creationism:

The universe and living organisms originated from direct acts of
divine creation. This belief embraces the biblical account literally
and rejects theories in which natural processes such as evolution are

In India, there are many instances of scepticism that man could have
evolved from the apes. Islamic creationists openly reject evolution in
favour of Quranic creation theory.

Evolution: Different kinds of living organisms have developed and
diversified from earlier forms. Darwin's theory of gradual evolution
holds that this development took place by natural selection of
varieties of organism better adapted to the environment tend to
survive and are more likely to transmit their genetic characteristics
in increasing numbers to their descendants. Meanwhile, those less
adapted tend to be eliminated. For instance, those giraffes who
possessed even a minimum advantage of height due to individual
variations would reach slightly higher leaves and eat a little bit
more. They had a better chance of surviving and over time producing
more of their kind while the slightly shorter giraffes were doomed to

Intelligent Design: The most fashionable contemporary theory to bridge
the gap is intelligent design. It posits the view that life is too
complex to be explained by evolution alone. Certain features of the
universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent
cause, and not by an undirected process such as natural selection.
Though not based on the Bible, proponents claim that its roots are in
the teachings of Plato and Aristotle, who articulated early versions
of the theory.

Therefore, a greater being was responsible for the changes that helped
the evolutionary process along. Physicist Fred Hoyle used the
following analogy. A hurricane sweeping cannot by random choice
assemble a Boeing 747 through a junkyard. Therefore, God, like a
Boeing engineer, is working his intelligent design from behind the
scenes. But who created the Boeing engineer, retort the

The Vatican also dealt the final blow to speculation that Pope
Benedict XVI might be prepared to endorse the theory of Intelligent
Design, whose advocates credit a higher power for the complexities of
life. Three years ago advocates of Intelligent Design seized on the
Popes reference to an intelligent project as proof that he favoured
their views. Intelligent Design is now considered, poor theology and
poor science. It is merely a cultural phenomenon, rather than a
scientific or theological issue, organisers of a recent Vatican
Conference on Evolution affirmed.

Though Darwin himself was not an avowed atheist, today more than ever
his theory represents the frontline in the confrontation between
religion and militant atheism, as espoused by neo-Darwinists like
Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and others. This battle has queered the
pitch in scientific discourse to an extent that dialogue is well nigh

Recently, Michael Reiss, a biologist and an ordained Anglican priest,
was forced to resign from his position as education director because
his remarks on Evolution were misconstrued by the media. If
creationism was raised in the class, he argued, teachers should
explain why creationism is not science but Evolution is.

Two hundred years after the birth of Charles Darwin, the debate
between scientists and creationists over the origin of the human
species remains as explosive as ever.

 * * *

Special Healing Programmes This Lenten Season In Belgaum

BELGAUM, Karnataka (SAR NEWS) -- Special prayers and healing services
have been arranged at the Miralculous Cross at Nandgad here during the
Lenten season.

Renowned preachers from the Archdiocese of Goa and the dioceses of
Belgaum and Karwar would be conducting special prayer services in
Konkani and other languages near the historic Cross atop the hills
near Nandgad every Friday commencing from February 27.

Nangad lies 14 km from Khanapur in Beglaum distrcit on the Yellapur
state highway.

Parish priest of Nandgad, Father Stanley D'Souza said Swami Prabhudhar
from Ankalgi, Father Xavier and Brother Godfrey from Jesus Calls
Ministry, Goa, Father Anacletus D'Mello from Karwar, Father Eusico
Pereira and his team from Goa, and Father Bonaventure Rodrigues from
Karwar would be preaching and conducting healing sessions every Friday
between 2.30 and 5.30 pm until March 27.

A 'Grand Diocesan Day' would be celebrated atop this hill April 3.

"Thousands of Christians and people of different faiths throng Nandgad
during the Lenten services here since the last decade while many have
reported that they were healed of their prolonged illnesses," Father
Stanley said.

This year too the focus would be on healing and curing through the
Miraculous Cross the various physical illnesses and stress, he added.

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