Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 05:38:29 -0800 (PST)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>

To Mervyn:
I like your comment, "The cause ... is quite simple: Financial regulations that 
were in place were either removed or not adhered to." This after just reading 
and reading that it was too much regulations that caused the debacle, put 
forward by a Rush Limbaugh talk-alike called Thomas Sowell.

Mario responds:

Here we see Gilbert, a physician, continue his barrage of jejune personal 
insults against Prof. Tom Sowell, an eminent economist and expert in financial 
markets, who is a Fellow at the prestigious Hoover Institute at Stanford 
University.  See,

I have already shown in, 
how Gilbert misrepresented the term "dittoheads".  The assertion that Prof. 
Sowell, a respected academic, talks like Mr. Limbaugh, a media commentator and 
talk show host, is equally specious and backwards.  It is Mr. Limbaugh who 
frequently cites the research based opinions of Prof. Sowell.

At Gilbert's request in, 
and to further his education, I have shown below some additional sources of 
information from credible sources.  

Gilbert apparently has no idea that there are other financial industry experts 
who agree with Prof. Sowell's analysis of how the Community Reinvestment Act 
[CRA], an ultra-liberal piece of legislation passed in the Carter 
administration, which had good intentions of encouraging home-ownership by low 
income people, was escalated under the Clinton administration with overt and 
covert threats by the Justice Department, HUD, Democrat party politicians and 
community action groups against banks if they were slow to comply with its 

Most political liberals and Democrats, and a few Republicans, defended and 
protected the growing house of cards because it helped low income people, which 
is what socialism does until it implodes from its fundamental economic flaws.

Shown below is an editorial from the respected Investors Business Daily:


The Community Reinvestment Act is to blame for the financial crisis, but it so 
powerfully serves Democrats' interests that they'll do anything to protect it — 
including revising history.

The CRA coerces banks into making loans based on political correctness, and 
little else, to people who can't afford them. Enforced like never before by the 
Clinton administration, the regulation destroyed credit standards across the 
mortgage industry, created the subprime market, and caused the housing bubble 
that has now burst and left us with the worst housing and banking crises since 
the Great Depression.
[end of excerpt]

Additional sources are shown below:

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