Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2009 06:08:04 -0800 (PST)
From: Santosh Helekar <>

The misconceptions like the ones in the post below regarding the science of 
global warming have been addressed by many reputed and responsible scientific 
organizations, all of whom are in full agreement about the scientific issues 

Mario responds:

This is a false representation of my post

I did not even address "the science of global warming" as Santosh falsely 
alleges. If he had read my post he would have known that.

If I had addressed the science of global warming I may have said something 
like, "I find it totally ludicrous that anyone can seriously claim that CO2, 
which is about 0.036% of the total earth's atmosphere, can trap anything as 
nebulous as heat on a worldwide basis."

However, I did not say that or anything even resembling an opinion on "the 
science of global warming", though I did mention in passing a twenty year 
period, 1940 to 1980, when there was no correlation between CO2 levels and 
global temperatures.  But that was just my non-scientific observation, and what 
do I know?

The conclusion I did express, based on the evidence in the source I cited and 
which has been completely ignored by Santosh, was, and I quote:

"The only point to be made here is that there are a significant number of 
scientists who are not yet convinced that the matter is "settled" and that the 
broad "consensus" being claimed by some, does not yet exist."

Santosh, while totally ignoring what I said as if those other scientists do not 
exist, has cited more organizations that agree with him, which then enables him 
to say that they "are in full agreement about the scientific issues involved".  
Of course they are.  They represent one side of the debate.  Santosh and others 
are free to join them.

However, what I find strange is Santosh's ability to deny that there is a 
debate going on, and totally ignore the evidence that there are hundreds,  if 
not thousands of reputable and respected scientists that disagree with the 
scientific opinions of the organizations cited by him.

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