From: edward desilva

> Chapter 9, Verse31 of the Qura'n clearly states that Muslims should
> not listen to 'Any One'.
> "The Qura'n is so simplistically and beautifully written that any one
> can understand it, therefore we do not need rabbis and priests like
> other religions have, to advise us".
> If it is so written, why is that they have Mullahs?

RESPONSE: Instead of refering to ED's thoughtless rants, please refer to the 
following links for readings/translations of the Koran (Chapter 9) that appear 

> Note to moderators:
> (moderators again, will question my authenticity on this - WELL, 'the
> Qura'n' via Channel 4 documentary - want a copy? will do so gladly -
> everything I say here is Kosher - it is you lot who have not lived long
> enough and seen much, therefore whatever I say is a Shocking
> unbelieveable news for you lot).

NOTE on behalf of moderators:
ED.......Your posts are neither informative nor thoughtful and are instead 
cacophonous laced with jeering. Not only are your posts discordant but boorish 
nature too!! Your credentials do not potray you as an expert on the religion of 
others. As far as your posts go, you dont need to amend your writing style; the 
moderators will henceforth make one small modification while rejecting your 
messages - you will get no explanations!! Rejecting your msgs on a daily basis 
definitely a waste of the moderators' time!!

- Bosco
Goanet Admin
Where Goans Connect

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