Why don't we admit we don't have a clue of the financial future, instead of 
trying to sound intelligent. The so-called "experts", "economists", "financial 
gurus" were all wrong. No one predicted this mess. Buffet on down all lost 
money. Governments around the world are acting like deer caught in headlights 
in dealing with this crisis. Anyone advising you about the future should be 
avoided like snake-oil salesman (also ask them if they have ACTED on their own 

Regarding what might happen, financial ignorance may be bliss in this case. If 
anyone claims to know what is going to happen, ask them how they did in the 
market in the last six months and how much they lost (let them show you their 
ACTUAL brokerage statement before you believe them). That will reveal their 
"expert advice" and quickly put an end to these palm-readers.


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