Santosh Helekar:
This is how this man gratuitously abuses people who do not belong to his
religion. He slanders anybody with a Hindu name who raises questions about
the one-sided material he posts on Goanet, as propagating the Hindutva line
or as a Sangh Parivar sympathizer.

The good dotor doth protesseth too much with feigned injured innocence. Here
is what hindutva souces had to say about the killing of Swami Laxmananda in

1."It's got nothing to do with Maoism. It's been done by the church which
has failed to baptise the people because of Swamiji's presence in the
district in the last 42 years," Ashok K Sahu, president, Orissa Hindu
Jagaran Sammukhya said."

2. However the VHP / BD without waiting for a proper investigation which
could determine the actual culprits do not accept the Maoists claims and
insist that the christians were behind the killings and try to pressurise
the police into arresting christians and pinning the blame on them.
"However, the Sangh Parivar is not in a mood to accept the fact that the
swami was killed by Maoists. "

3."Who killed Swami Laxmananda Saraswati?
While the Maoists have claimed that they did so, the VHP insists on blaming
the Christians and exacting their 'revenge'.

4.The VHP/ BD has been blackmailing and armtwisting the government into
arresting and implicating Mr Nayak by threatening agitations and bandhs.

"They held Congress Rajya Sabha member Radhakant Nayak as key conspirator
behind the murder.
 Referring to allegations that Christmas last year was dampened by violence
by saffron outfits, they said, "Let there be a state-wide bandh this time on
December 25 to ensure a completely peaceful Christmas,"s
"We will be forced to observe Orissa Bandh on December 25, if the government
failed to arrest the killers and conspirators", said Swami Laxamananda
Saraswati Sradhanjali Samiti president ratnakar Cahinee/
Suspecting killing of Swamiji as part of an international conspiracy, the
leaders wanted narco-test of Sonia Gandhi, archbishop Rapheal Cheenath and
Rajya Sabha MP Nayak.

This is what the good dotor posted with great vehemence:

" Regarding the swami's murder the crime branch of the police department in
Orissa appears to be closing in on a prominent politician and MP named
Radhakant Nayak. According to the following report entitled "Congress MP RK
Nayak is on run as CB starts chasing" in a local news outlet, the crime
branch has summed its case by stating: "Nayak was mastermind of the whole
event and played a key in the murder case".Please see. We will soon find out
if he is involved in the murder in any way or not."

This is what the mainstream media reported on the killing:

1."Orissa continues to be tense following the killings of a prominent Vishwa
Hindu Parishad (VHP) leader Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati in Kandhamal
district on Saturday.
The VHP leader and the other four Hindu leaders were attacked at an Ashram
school for girls at Jalespeta under Tumudibandh police station area and
police had initially suspected the hand of Maoists behind this attack.
"Considering the nature of the attack and the kind of weapons used in the
attack we apprehend that some extremists who are active in the state are
involved in the crime," Orissa Home Secretary Tarun K Mishra said.
The government that has ordered a judicial probe suspects the hand of

2.The Church condemns the killing and calls for a CBI inquiry.
"The Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) and the Church leaders in
Orissa and other parts of the country have condemned the killing of Swami
Lakshmananda Sarswati and his associates in the Ashram.
In view of the facts stated above we demand the following:
" That a CBI enquiry be ordered for proper and impartial investigation for

3.The maoists go on TV and take responsibility for the killings of the
"Sabyasachi Panda, a top leader of the Communist Party of India (Maoist), in
an interview to a group of journalists (including this correspondent),
claimed that his outfit had killed the swami "because he was forcibly
converting both tribals and Christians into Hinduism".
Panda, who blamed the VHP and its allies for fanning communalism by
spreading misinformation that militant Christians had killed the Swami, also
accused Chief Minister Patnaik of allowing riots to spread in the district.
"Communal violence spread to most areas of Kandhamal only because the State
government allowed the VHP to take the body of the swami in a procession
covering many areas in the district," Panda said.
Meanwhile, the Crime Branch of the State police has arrested three Maoists
for alleged involvement in the killing of the swami. However, the Sangh
Parivar is not in a mood to accept the fact that the swami was killed by

4. "The Crime Branch of the Orissa police on Sunday arrested four persons in
connection with the murder of Viswha Hindu Parishad leader Lakshmanananda
The four, arrested from the Kotgarh area of Kandhamal district, include a
hardcore Maoist. The three others were Maoist sympathisers, State Director
General of Police Manmohan Praharaj told" Hindu.

5."REACTING to a report in The Indian Express on Saturday ('Net closes in on
Cong MP for Orissa swami's murder') that the BJD-BJP Government in Orissa
was closing in on Congress MP Radhakant Nayak for his "alleged role in the
conspiracy to kill VHP leader Lakshmanananda Saraswati," the Congress
Saturday strongly defended the MP and called the allegations "politically
motivated" and "malicious". All India Congress Committee in-charge of Orissa
Ajay Maken said, in a press release, that the allegations were "nothing but
malicious conjectures with no element of reasoned evidence in its support".
The attempt was to divert attention from the "miserable performance" of the
state police, perhaps under directions from its political masters, he said.
"From Christian missionaries to Naxals to R K Nayak and the Congress, the
Government through its anonymous 'sources' was pointing desperate fingers
towards all but the real perpetrators of the murder, who are still at large
and the threat of violence still hangs in the air," said Maken.

Is it a mere coincidence that the hindutva forces and the good dotor hold
and propagate the same view in spite of ample views, news and evidence in
the mainstream media to the contrary?

 I hope Goanetters will reject this type of unprovoked and unwarranted
communal baiting in this secular public forum. How can a man who practices
this type of communalism ever be trusted?

Isn't this yet another classic case of the pot trying to paint the kettle



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