You deserve a reply Joao, since yours is not a rhetorical question.

If by "you" one means the developers then I surmise that "they" (the
developers) will start gunteo cheppunk aka ball busting (or kneading
marbles). to get their agendas back on track. If this method of groping
fruit does not yield results, then it is not too hard to imagine that lives
will be at stake. We are not talking here, so to spea--of imagining the
susegad Goan. The largesse that has been lavished on our politicians--the
loni and the vargani, are not exactly kitty funds. The politicians have to
be slowly getting enlightened to this part of the equation. Hey, Lucifer is
light, and must be regarded seriously.

I believe the Haryana government does not allow commandos for its own
protection. Someone check out whether this si true. Since we are going the
way of our Northern states, perhaps we can pick a lesson here, but to do so
one is talking about ballot initiatives.

What must be strongly recommend is for our constitutional experts to look
into the idea of ballot initiatives. Basically get signatures from Goans (IF
WE ARE TRULY AND FINALLY AWAKENING) to set up various propositions to go on
ballot initiatives. This "democratic" possibility is nothing to be scoffed

Designers, poets, idea people have to now jump into this and create every
opportunity to make a living as well as construct a politics of satire.

venantius j pinto
Oz, Gotham and Shangri-la

> From: Joao Barros-Pereira <>
> Subject: [Goanet] No, the Russians aren't coming ...!
> (del)
> Now, why shouldn't the local representative not have a dozen policemen
> guarding him? After all, Goans are back from the dead and the common people
> who thought their MLAs were going to develop Goa in an intelligent way and,
> no doubt, make some money too, are so surprised to discover their leaders
> are really nothing more than lemmings who are suicidal and want all Goans
> to
> join them on the road to hell, including putting an end to Indian democracy
> - here and now!

> As the anti-mega wave gets stronger and stronger (a bit of bad luck, eh?)
> developers who have given our representatives bags full of money and have
> been waiting and waiting and waiting for returns on their investments,
> might
> start to lose their cool and ....
> So, tell me, what would you do?

> (del)
> Joao Barros-Pereira
> Kyoto, Japan
> ------------------------------

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