I disagree with the view that activists whose positions we don't agree with
need to be dismissed as "reptile(s)", "centipede balls", living in an "old
fetid swamp", "lowlife" etc.

Periodically, even as the number of campaigns grows in Goa, there have been
attempts to discredit campaigners, and cast slurs against them. So, Seby and
the anti-mining campaign are Naxalites. Guys working on the Konkan Railway
issues were anti-national. The GBA has had all kinds of allegations flung
against it.

Allegations are made against Claude Alvares' Goa Foundation in the assembly,
and the mining-linked media immediately carries these on the very top of
Page One. Nasty mails were sent out against women's campaigners when they
touched the well-connected in their campaigns. Even as a conservative church
tries to shed its past and get involved in social campaigns, its motives get
often questioned. Newspapers letters-to-the-editors columns often carry
letters from citizens, giving advice to NGOs telling them what issues they
should be working on! Yet, a party like the BJP wants to sneak into civil
society and set up 500 NGOs of its own!

You could well understand what's going on here. This is the space for a
battle of ideas, and those who neglected the people's aspirations are now
trying to get a toehold in this space. To attempt to do so by discrediting
others is unfair at the very least.

Firstly, it's very hard to judge the motives of others, and unfair to tell
them what they ought to be doing. Agreed, in a small place like Goa,
personal connections and friendships often come up, and influence issues and
our attitudes to them.

But to cast a slur against everyone else -- on the basis of our priorities
and our standards -- is patently unfair. While I disagree with many of my
friends on the activist/NGO side of the fence, I also appreciate the
tireless and hard work so many of them have put in. Often on a quiet,
lonely, un-appreciated road which is not hyped by repeated posts to

A salute to them ... The genuine workers mostly don't tom-tom their
achievements from the roof-tops. FN

2009/3/13 Rajan P. Parrikar <parri...@yahoo.com>

> To Goanet -
> One of the biggest post-Liberation frauds has just
> been pulled off in broad daylight by the Goa govt in
> collaboration with a miner-industrialist, but the
> Goan air is mysteriously still.  Only the soft strains
> of the "My friend Audhut" melody punctuate the
> onset of Mancurad season.
> Where is the usual posse of sabre-rattlers given
> to gnashing their teeth at the mere mention of
> "Manohar Parrikar"?  Turned into placid pussies,
> have they?  What happened to the Goanet
> cobras habituated to hissing at those whom
> they summarily brand "RSS/BJP/Hindutva"?
> Curved into centipede balls, eh?
> Why?  What happened?
> Will Averthanus finally learn to use the word
> "unscrupulous" in a sentence that corresponds to
> reality?  Will Dr. Rebello take time off from
> billing and cooing to Queen Anju and ask
> his "apolitical," "brave" and "amazingly far-sighted"
> friend Digu some tough questions?  No?  I see, no
> clearance from the Church to ask embarrassing
> questions of the Kangress.
> Ex-South Goa GBA convener Shridhar Kamat
> recently made love to Digu in the pages of
> The Navhind Times.  I had warned about this
> master schemer long ago (see my posts
> in the Goanet archives) but those were days
> when the baby-faced convener was considered
> an angel descended from heaven and all his
> associates magic fairies.
> But hold your breath and keep your eyes peeled
> for the entry of the Rajah of Ramponkars,
> this prince among men, this salt of the
> Cansaulim soil.  'Tis the election season and
> Mr. Rampon has cast his net for votes, ooops,
> I mean, signatures for Especial Estatus.
> Seriously - I wasn't joking when I referred to
> this entire hula as the Goan version of burlesque.
> But what do you say to a people who refuse to
> learn from the past?  It is as if the Goan motto
> is "Thousand times bitten, never shy."
> If Goa is to have a ghost of a chance, we
> must cast aside the old poison that has
> taken hold of our body politic: the GBAs,
> Lok Shaktis, the Rebellos, Kamats, Naiks,
> Colacos, Bhatikars, Anaclettes, Radharaos,
> Matanhys, Timblos, Sabnises, Kerkars, the - you
> know, the reptiles from the same old fetid swamp.
> Watch your step for these slithering lowlives
> as you head out into the maidan this summer.
> It will give me no pleasure to say to you (again),
> "I told you so."

FN * http://fredericknoronha.wordpress.com
M +91-9822122436 P +91-832-2409490 http://twitter.com/fn
On Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/people/Frederick-Noronha/502514643

"A career is a job that has gone on too long." - Jeff MacNelly
  • ... Rajan P. Parrikar
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
    • ... soter

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