----- Original Message ----- From: Antonio Lobo
Sent to: All state dailies for favour of publication
Sent: Friday, March 13, 2009 10:43 PM
Subject: Press Note - Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott (MNE)


As earlier planned, the delegation of Mapusa Nagrikancho Ekvott (MNE) met the leader of the opposition Mr. Manohar Parrikar at the residence of the MLA of Mapusa Mr. Francisco D’Souza on 11.3.09, to discuss and finalise the important areas located within the city which require to be preserved in order to provide the people a better quality of life and to ensure that the city has the facilities and infrastructure that it requires to give the citizen a better standard of living..

After such areas were identified and finalised, Mr. Parrikar asked the delegation to give him 7-10 days to try, from his end, to do the needful in the matter and which the representatives of MNE, have agreed to do.

Notwithstanding the hopes generated amongst the citizens of Mapusa that Mr. Parrikar may be able to ensure that the areas identified by this association will not, after all, be subject to “concreting” by developers, still MNE is going ahead with its preparations as a precautionary measure, to force the government to freeze the ODP of Mapusa just in case the efforts of Mr. Parrikar are unsuccessful or in the event that MNE arrives at the conclusion that whatever maybe promised or assured may not be a sufficient defence against manipulation by vested interests or that, due to delay, plans submitted by developers may be approved by default.

This association may be contacted on phone number 9850450119
Thank you
Adv. Antonio Lobo (Convenor)

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