Rubygoes prolific messages have too much truth in them to be comfortable.  I
agree with her about domestic happiness being the key. Without unity,
persistence & perseverance at home and in the public arena no lasting
improvements happen. I remain astonished at the gullibility of voters to
preposterous blandishments of politicians, investment brokers, etc.

Everywhere I go I see discontent and resentment working both ways. The
hateful-racism in the western world which did so much damage to the psyche
of India is unabated among both UK redneck commoners and fascist Lords.
Extreme fascists are united through the internet.(I read while in Goa that
eight young Indians had been shot dead in various incidents in US).

The EU for little Britain has been a Trojan horse, not that it did not
deserve it, but the repercussions hit Indian medical staff. England prefers,
just like the Arabs, etc, white skin, even if those blond Eastern Europeans
take jobs from both black & native British.
England is doing the same as Australia, black & Indians are demonised, and
subjected to covert & overt discrimination, especially by institutions. The
right-wing media do not bother with investigative journalism. News is dumbed
down, which is why I skim national & international news. (our papers are
more comics than news disseminators).

One thought though: Is India with all its imperfections better than China,
Russia, Israel or some of the more authoritarian states?

Rita Grootendorst

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