Venantius Pinto wrote: 
> Could you please provide the proverb in Kiswahili, and if time permits—with
> a breakup of the words, as in KiswahiliwordA = belly, KiswahiliwordB =
> empty.

Here is the saying that first comes to mind:

Kiswahili:                   Mkono     mtupu    haulambwi 
English translation:     Hand       Empty    Not licked    

Idiomatic translation: An empty hand is not licked.
Literal meaning:        An empty belly hears nobody.
And here is another one of my favourites:

Kiswahili:                   Haraka haraka haina baraka
English translation:     Excited, excited no prosperity
Idiomatic transaltion:   Barack is not there in a hurry
Literal meaning:          Haste makes waste
For the Swahili speakers here who are groaning, the proof is in the translation 
page :-) 

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