Hi Hartman et al,
In narratological terms, how about a visual depiction of an mis-en-abyme.
The reduplication of the visual metaphor of the coffin will create the

People should consider making their own small coffins, out of shoe boxes, or
out of other boxes. People could also make small PYRES. Nothing like having
a coffin going along with a PYRE (untorched, of course), and even
a Muslim representation. I say this since many may not wish to relate to the
coffin as a symbol and desire something they feel represents their angst.
Abstract ideas have a long way to go and should not be misinterpreted in the
first place.

Whatever it may be--construct it in the balcao. Drag the old table out. The
sheer act of making one and being seen making one will resonate with
neighbors and the fact that we can be so insular in our thinking. Be
creative with it. Paint your thoughts--visual or textual on it. ART STUDENTS
and ARTISTS get in on this. This could even end up being a business for you.
Make a few. Its called flooding in psychology. Wear them around your necks,
on your backs.
Gather together to make your own. Parish priests: Here is your chance to do
what Christ would do--help channel the outrage, and manage the expectations.
I am not asking that you traipse through markets kicking the produce. But to
give spiritual guidance to sufferance, with some intelligent humor. Try and
make it an intra-religious event, in fact intra-everything. All this could
be helpful since this protest may not be regarded as a peaceful protest.
People could get hammered. Invite the pedo too. In many cases this will be
the first time one is rubbing shoulders with him and his family.

The journey of the main coffin could just go on its way uninterrupted OR one
could plan out a way to insert a smaller symbolic coffin into the big one
from time to time. This should be planned, and occasional someone beckoned
to do so. This act will bring about a different relationship amongst those
who attend. As a visual tableau, people carrying their own coffins will also
have an effect, not just on Goa but on India. At the end, besides the
smaller coffins in the larger one-- the others must be taken home, not
thrown away.It is important that others sees the faces of those who stood
up. Hopefully the press will have a lot to say--as it is they give us enough
toxins from the printing inks through our handling of the news!

venantius j pinto
PS: Now if only the press in Goa would carry this in all languages. Anyway
share it.
From: "Freddy Fernandes" <ffernandes....@emaar.ae>
Subject: [Goanet] Floriano's advice to his son
To: <goa...@goanet.org>

Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 17:25:52 +0530
From: Hartman de Souza <hartman.deso...@gmail.com>

Dear Hartman,
funeral setup is a wonderful idea and very appealing in the present


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