Marshall Mendonza had offered me a fake conditional apology a few days ago 
because of the abusive behavior he was engaged in. True to form he has now had 
a relapse of that condition. 

The reason for this latest bout of abuse against me is because I exposed the 
fact that he gratuitously initiated a thread to malign the young Indian 
American community, as a whole, by propagating the falsehoods disseminated by a 
Marxist activist named Vijay Prashad on a fringe political website. Here is the 
bogus defamatory quote that he tried to sell you:

"young Indian Americans suffer from cultural bigotry, and that this experience 
sends them in search of an identity fix – either to benign or not so benign 
organisations. The VHPA and its "Yankee Hindutva" parivar know this fully well."
......Selected by Marshall Mendonza

Here is his explanation that by "young Indian Americans" he was referring to 
the youth of the Hindu community:

"It is but obvious, that reference would be made to the Hindu community as the 
VHP would be unlikely to attract Indians from other communities."
.....Marshall Mendonza

I would like to caution Goanetters that Marshall Mendonza is trying to sell you 
lies about young Indian Americans. These young folk do not suffer from cultural 
bigotry. They do not in general join any benign or not so benign organization 
in search of an identity fix, whatever the heck that means. I say this from my 
personal experience of having taught and interacted with scores of young Indian 
Americans. Two of them are my own children. Mario Goveia, who has been in the 
U.S. much longer than I have, has separately attested to what I am saying here.

Please do not trust Marshall Mendonza, and the garbage he posts in this forum.



--- On Mon, 3/23/09, Marshall Mendonza <> wrote:

> Response:
> One must grant Santosh the credit for maliciously and
> mischievously twisting
> and interpreting a sentence taken out of context and giving
> it a communal
> colour. Nothing new, standard hindutva tactics, if one may
> say so.
> In response to the following statement of Santosh-
> "The post appended below reveals an obsession with
> one-sided political
> activism centered around other people's religion."
> I had posed the following queries:
> Does Santosh believe and want us to believe that Hindutva
> (ideology) and
> Hinduism (religion) are synonymous?
> Does Santosh suggest the Hindutva  represents hindus
> and hindu religion?
> Does Santosh expect us to keep off hindutva activities
> which affect our
> common well being and safety if we do not happen to be
> hindus?
> Till date Santosh has studiously avoided answering them. I
> will not be
> surprised if Santosh does a Barad. I can well understand
> his predicament.

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