While those in Goa fume at the audacity of the state government to take
sides with a company (off ill-repute if you consider their track record in
wrecking the environment or appropriating a public beach), they would be
more shocked if they were to know how industry, courtesy its strong lobby at
the centre, has now opened the door for many more such ordinances.

I append below, a very well-argued appeal by the Environment Support Group,
Bangalore, condemning changes sought within the Ministry of Environment and
Forests that will give industry a blank cheque.



Dear Friends,

On behalf of Campaign for Environmental Justice - India, we request you to
sign on an appeal to the Prime Minister of India urging him to direct the
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), of which he is incharge, to
immediately stop a comprehensive retrograde amendment to the Environment
Impact Assessment Notification - 2006.  MoEF in a notification issued
recently proposes to amend the EIA Notification in such a manner that it
will negate the very purpose of the Notification, besides compromising human
rights of hundreds of project affected communities and the ecological
security of India.

It is striking to note that amendment is proposed at the time of General
Elections, and that the beneficiaries are the some of the largest corporate
houses involved in mining, petrochemicals, manufacturing, construction,
infrastructure development, dam building, etc.  All of these sectors are
highly polluting and environmentally destructive and the benefit of a weak
environmental regime, including exemptions from compliance with significant
provisions of environmental regulatory procedures, would help these sectors
save thousands of crores in monetary terms alone.  In effect therefore,  the
proposed amendments amount to the extension of a largesse from the State to
highly profit making industrial and infrastructure sectors.

It is well known that corporate houses fund political parties and have
consistently demanded and lobbied for a weak environmental clearance regime,
including exemptions. This is exactly what is now proposed by the move to
amend the EIA Notification (which is anyway very weak).

The Election Commission of India has a Code of Conduct for political parties
which requires that a Party in power should not initiate significant shifts
in policies, schemes and regulatory practices that may secure benefits for
some sectors and amount to the extention of largesse of the State.  The
timing of the proposed amendments and the proposed changes in law leave
little doubt about the possibility that the UPA Government at the Centre may
have initiated these reforms to secure support of benefiting corporates to
its party coffers.

The Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh is incharge of MoEF.  We have
enclosed an appeal to him highlighting our concerns urging him to direct
MoEF to immediately announce that the proposed amendments are kept in
abeyance till such time a new Government has taken charge at the Centre.
This letter is enclosed and is self-explanatory.

We request you to endorse this letter, and also to circulate it amongst
various networks for support.  We will fax this letter with your
endorsements to the Prime Minister of India, and send a copy to all
political parties, the Election Commission of India and the media on Monday,
23 March 2009.  .

You are requested therefore to endorse the letter by noon on Monday.
Subsequent endorsements will also be accepted and forwarded appropriately.

You may email your endorsements providing (full name, organisation and
address, and optionally a brief comment) to e...@esgindia.org (Please keep
the subject line above intact to help us sort email).  You can also sign
online and leave comments at:

We thank you for your cooperation and support as always.

Yours sincerely,

Leo F. Saldanha, Bhargavi S. Rao, Nandini Chami, Sruthi Subbanna, K. R.
Mallesh, Divya Ravindranath
Environment Support Group, Bangalore

for Campaign for Environmental Justice - India

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