Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 06:22:07 +0000 (GMT)
From: Bernado Colaco <>

The US of A touts itself as being a country of dreams. But lately things are 
not looking so shapely. Pity the new incumbent President Obama trying his best 
to prop up the disaster left by his predecessor.  

Mario responds:


Thanks for your concern, but when you write about another country it may help 
to avoid displaying your lack of knowledge in front thousands of Goanetters if 
you have your facts straight.  It is quite obvious from your comments that you 
are as familiar with the USA as you are with Mars.

To begin with the US does not need to tout itself as a country of dreams,
because millions of immigrants trying to get in, legally or illegally, are 
doing that for us.  The waiting list for legal immigrants is several years 
long.  We have some 15 million illegal immigrants whose only nightmare is that 
they get caught and politely asked to leave, most of whom promptly turn around 
and sneak back in.

I don't blame you for feeling sorry for President Obama and his
teleprompter, without which he cannot keeps his words and thoughts straight, 
but the facts are that the current financial crisis was mostly created, 
enhanced, defended and protected by him and the members of his political party. 
 All he is now doing is proving that he is in over his head, and that 
campaigning is a lot different from governing, for which he has no experience 
and is desperately trying to learn on the job.

Here, look at this and perhaps you will learn something:  

By the way, your level of knowledge will certainly exclude the fact that
President Obama and his teleprompter were one of the top two recipients of
political bribes - we call them campaign contributions here - from the biggest 
scoundrels in the financial mess, namely Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, who supported 
the common senseless notion that lending money to people who are unable to 
repay it is a good business model, i.e. socialism at the expense of capitalism.

Here, look at this and perhaps you will learn something:

Bernardo wrote:

Now this country once that landed man on moon is seen learning to forage for 
food in its parks and country side.

Many of its number one citizens have now lost their homes and are now seen
living in substandard conditions like tents without the comfy sofas and 54 inch 
lcd's. Lessons are given on how not to spend on items such as down loading 
music or even buying pets. Free handouts are now a common event. Q's are a 
sight once seen in commie dwellings or in Goa where one collects ration from 
the posro.

Mario responds:

I think you are confusing the US with Zimbabwe.  Please put down the feni and 
the Bulawayo Chronicle and read some decent newspapers.  Most of those who lost 
their homes were the ones who were being "helped" by the government to borrow 
more than they could repay, and are now renting apartments like they should 
have been doing all along.  No one is foraging for food here, including the 
poor and virtually all the illegal immigrants have at least a couple of family 
members happily employed:-)) 

Perhaps you are confusing the US with Macau:

Headline: 17.5% of Macau Population Lives in Poverty

Bernardo wrote:

The big question is where is Karl Marx? 

Mario responds:

In fact, the Democrat party and its lackeys were following Karl Marx's
theories when they passed the Community Reinvestment Act back in 1977, expanded 
it under Bill Clinton and defended and protected it under Bush who did not have 
the votes to stop them, and was silly enough to try and take credit for the 
number of low income people who were able to buy their own homes at the expense 
of the banking system.  The banks eventually joined the party with sub prime 
loans and other such fundamentally risky practices which everyone is now paying 

One of the world leaders who put Karl Marx on the thrash heap of history where 
he belonged all along was Ronald Reagan, who said, and I'm
paraphrasing, "Communists read Karl Marx.  Anti-communists understand Karl
Marx", and "The scariest words in the English language are,
'I'm from the government and I'm here to help you'."


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