Ignoring all the vituperative, vitriolic and bucolic bile excreted by
Santosh which has by now become standard and normal fare for him, I would
like to go back to the topic of discussion.

Mario and Santosh make valid points that the bulk of the Indian American
community are more focussed on their personal and professional growth and
development. However, it must be conceded that Vijay Prashad too makes valid
points to back up his arguments. He too has lived long in the USA, is a
Professor and has interacted extensively with the Indian community. It would
be fair to conclude that there is a section of the Indian community which is
drawn to the VHP and its activities.

This is what Vijay Prashad has to say in the article:
"  Desai points out that young Indian Amer­icans suffer from cultural
bigotry, and that this experience sends them in search of an identity fix –
either to benign or not so be­nign organisations. The VHPA and its “Yan­kee
Hindutva” parivar know this fully well. The Hindu Students Council bemoans
the “loss and isolation” faced by youth in this “dual culture – Hindu and
Judeo-Christian”. So, “it was precisely to assist you with this spiritual,
emotional and identity needs that HSC was born”. For 15 years I have written
about the mechanisms by which groups like the HSC draw on liberal
multicultural­ism to create rigid Hindutva identities in the diaspora. My
main argument has been that the VHPA and its kin do nothing to chal­lenge
the root of this feeling of loss and iso­lation, which would drive it to
actively take on racism. Instead of doing the difficult work in the
anti-racist movement, the VHPA harnesses young people into a cultural
big­otry of its own: against Indian Americans who are Muslims and
dalits.3 Groups
like the VHPA are less concerned with the broad problems of racism that
motivate the loss and isolation, than they are to push the Hindutva agenda
in the US and Canada"
 Here are two articles which chronicles the activities of some
expat Indians.

One only needs to go through the  letters to the editor section of magazines
like Outlook, to know how some NRI’s react to issues in India. If Santosh
desires, I can cull and post him copies.

Will Santosh explain why persons like Narendra Modi are eulogized by some of
the expat population in USA and repeatedly  invited by some of the various
Indian associations to be the keynote speaker or chief guest, despite his
gory track record?

It may be hard to accept certain unpalatable facts, but to live in denial of
the same is escapism.



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