From:Dr. Neil de Jesus Rangel

The Roman Catholic Church cannot and will never sanction the use of condoms for 
prevention of AIDS or any other sexually transmitted disease. The use of a 
condom is 
inherently evil and under no circumstances will the Catholic Church ever 
the use of evil so that some good may come out of it. That evil not be used to 
justify any good that may ensue, is a divine injunction and cannot be changed 
by the 
Catholic Church. The devastation of morality and increasing promiscuity are 
for all to see. The Catholic Church under Pope Paul VI took a principled stand 
forbidding the use of condoms and medications as contraceptives against every 
thinkable form of worldwide opposition including some degenerates and 
modernist-progressives within the very ranks of the clergical hierarchy.So also 
abortion cannot be justified in any case whatsoever. Human life begins at the 
time of conception and this life takes precedence over everything else.

It  is not humans who bring life into the world but the Author of Life.It is 
not for 
humans to decide who merits to live and who does not. In recent times there has 
a progressively increasing assault on the most vulnerable: the unborn and the 
sick and what any perceive as undesirables. This has to be stopped. All human 
is sacred and has to be protected at all times.There is place for everyone in 

The Catholic Church worldwide continues to be the single largest provider of 
care services for those afflicted with AIDS.While fully aware of the suffering 
those with AIDS and of the exploited and helpless; She entrusts them all to the 
protection of the God we believe in and the intercession of the Blessed Mother.
What Pope Benedict XVI needs to urgently do is rein in dissenters within the 
and excommunicate them if need be.

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