Fr Desmond deSousa writes about a gaffe-prone pope and the ex-communications in 
Brazil (not of the rapist step-father, but of the child victim), etc.  It is 
just Arab or Africans who treat women like chattels, domestic abuse is 
everywhere, mainly with impunity by the perpetrators.  For me, big-hearted 
individuals are better than official bodies at making a real difference, below 
what such an unusual character did.

Greg Mortenson said: "We all make mistakes and we all fail, and that is often 
our greatest successes come from."  Greg failed to climb K2 and would have died 
Northern Pakistani tribesmen had not rescued and nursed him back to health. 
gratitude has endured for more than 15 years. He built a school for that 
village and 
has continued with his foundations "Pennies for peace" to bring education to 
children of the hill tribes. His book "three cups of tea" was serialised for 
radio. Greg showed mutual respect and understanding when he got to know the 
villagers & vice versa.

Frequently familiarity breeds contempt, but that comes from unwillingness to 
others and treat them as equals. Greg's parents had been medical missionaries 
Africa - giving was in his nature. He has even funded schools in Afghanistan.  
a contrast to the American administration that preferred force and war against 

Civil unrest and world war is predicted by some as a result of the global 
downturn. In London everyday there is a failure of policing. Aggression and 
destruction by undisciplined youth goes unpunished , eg. On Saturday night I 
was in 
my local supermarket when a dozen "hoodies" (hooligans who hide their 
identities by 
wearing hooded sportswear) stormed through the shop smashing jars of coffee and 
anything else in their way before running away. In less than a minute they had 

What are the causes and who is responsible for social breakdown, family 
and absence of conscience?  Is the quest for the fast dollar, £ or lakh, which 
results in the worship of money?  Is it fraud to create toxic debts then market 
packaged derivatives as investment opportunities?  How can we hope for peace 
class and caste distinctions are still used to judge fellow men?

Today I have listened to the second radio excerpt of "This book will save your 
a surreal fictional tale of a USA man's mid-life crisis complete with panic 
After discharge from the hospital he goes into a donut shop and is befriended 
by the 
shop-owner, Anil, an immigrant to US looking to make a fortune. This story is 
re-connecting with the human race.

Rita Grootendorst

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