marlon menezes wrote:
> I think you missed out my comment that 70% of the world's venture capital was 
> being invested in America. 
> Technological innovation and its commercialization is what ultimately 
> determines a nation's standard of living.

For a moment there, I was under the impression that you were taking the 
road most people here do i.e. when the 
numbers are hard to find, they take the easy way and find them in the most 
convenient blog. The blog writers 
haven earlier taken the easier way and just manufactured the numbers.

> BYD is a good company, but the details on this car remain sketchy. Lithium 
> ion has several issues: cost, safety, 
> recharge speed and energy density . Except via fuzzy accounting or excessive 
> govt. subsidies, I do not see how 
> anyone can make these cars so cheap ($22K). Toyota, a company that is 
> acknowledged to be the most efficient 
> auto manufacturer in the world, loses money on every hybrid car its sells - 
> and hybrids are far cheaper than plug 
> in electrics.

I am sure you are aware that the Japanese Govt has been financing the research 
for the hybrid cars of Toyota and 
Nissan for the past ten years. Japan wants to clean up the air in its cities. 
The US car manufacturers, on the other hand, 
put all their money and efforts into lobbying the US govt NOT to improve 
emission standards. For that reason alone, 
people want the US car manufacturers to pay the price. They are voting with 
their wallets, buying hybrids instead 
of gas guzzlers.

> As far as battery research is concerned, most of the cutting edge work is 
> happening in America - not China. 
> Ironically, the future may be in the use of a variation of the common lead 
> acid battery known as the lead carbon battery.

Just this morning, Bloomberg had a slew of reports about the Chinese Govt 
introducing subsidies to promote 
alternative energy production. Here are the numbers, the Chinese Govt will 
provide a subsidy of US$2.93 per
watt for solar projects with a generation capacity of at least 50 kilowatts. 
Note the price is per watt. This is a heck of a lot 
of money. All the Chinese solar stocks prices jumped (went thru the roof?) 
today. If you are interested, the ones 
that trade in N. America are:
Suntech Power Holdings, STP
Yingli Green Energy,       YGE     
JA Solar Holdings,          JASO
LDK Solar Co,                LDK

> In China, anything is the truth - so long as the government says it is so. 
> Your understanding of China is rather naive.

My understanding of China is limited to the prospects of making money :-) I 
think every American does the same, being
happy as long as China is providing cheap goods and buying the US debt.

> Regarding the much maligned issue of the AIG bonuses, the fact is that the 
> original core team responsible for this mess, 
> were fired, forced out or had quit a long time ago. The current staff that 
> were supposed to get the bonuses were brought in 
> at the government's request to clean up house and many of the executives were 
> receiving no salaries. But yes, fundamentally, 
> the US is wrong in letting these companies live. They should have been shut 
> down in the first place.

In addition, this morning, Hussein bin Obama said on his Internet Town Hall 
meet that the US auto industry must be preserved, 
not symbolically but so that people could have jobs.  Socialism at its best.  


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