Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM)
Office:- IIIA/145, Rachana, Vashali – 201010 (NCR) India
Telefax 0120, 4569131 Cell. 9810108046 Email:-francisp...@yahoo.com
Five Points Election Demand by Dalit Christians
New Delhi: March 27, 2009:- The Poor Christian Liberation Movement (PCLM) 
strongly condemns interference by the Church in the Lok Sabha election process 
by declaring that it will field Church candidates. It urges all the political 
parties to take note of the statement issued by the Kerala Bishop‘s. The PCLM 
is shocked at the statement and demands that the election commission should 
issue show cause notice in this matter. 
The PCLM makes the following demands to the political parties:
-          In view of lot of controversy on conversion the PCLM urges the 
political parties to commit to bring an all India level Freedom of Religion 
Bill to check fraudulent and allurement conversion. All political parties must 
make their stand clear on this point before the elections.     
-         That the political parties in India should include formation of a 
Waqf like board for the protection of mission property of heritage nature in 
-         The PCLM urges that no ordained priest or nun should be appointed 
member of a government commission. Instead lay Christian must be appointed in 
such bodies. Currently the bishops are appointed by the Vatican and can be 
removed by the Vatican only. The local bodies or Christians have no say in it. 
This is undemocratic process. This must be changed.
-         Several reports have indicated that large section of poor Christians 
of Dalit and tribal backgrounds are still suffering from the discrimination, 
outside and within the Church. So the PCLM demands that a development board for 
financial and social upliftment of Christians be formed after the elections. 
The political parties in their manifestoes must indicate their position on this 
-         The Church in India owns large number of educational and health 
institutions under minority status. The Church is demanding reservation from 
the Government for the Dalit Christians .The PCLM demands that the Church must 
reserve 60 per cent of jobs for the poor Christians in the Christian 
institutions. It further urges the political parties that in case in any 
Christian institution the number of Christian’s beneficiaries are less than 50 
percent the minority status of such institutions should be cancelled and it 
must be put “other Charitable Institutions” category. 
It has been observed that some individuals are secretly negotiating with the 
political parties on behalf of the community. The PCLM wants such elements to 
refrains from nefarious activities.
Issued R.L. Francis, President, PCLM 

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